Preliminary Study of Macro and Micro Phenomenon of Late Quaternary New Activities on Xujing Segment,Tancheng-Lujiang Fault Zone
Haigang ZHENG,Daquan YAO,Peng ZHAO,Yuanyuan YANG,Xingzhou WANG,Peng SHU
Abstract:New activities since Late Quaternary are discovered by the trenches of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone,Xujing of Sixian county,Anhui province,showing reverse fault type colluvial wedge,tensile fracture wedge,fragmentation flow and seismic fault.Based on comprehensive analysis of the phenomena on site,we make preliminary inferences that after the Middle Pleistocene deposits,the trench was pressed first,the Late Cretaceous brick red sandstone thrust collapsed on the Middle Pleistocene deposits from the west to the east,forming a reverse fault type colluvial wedge.Then the tensile fracture activity occurred,splitting the wedge open.High speed extrusion thrust faults occur,along the east edge of the wedge,cross section extrusion,the fragmentation flow was generated and formed a reverse fault type colluvial wedge.The latest activities of the fracture occurred after black soil overlying sediments,showing the small amplitude thrust activity,caused faults on both sides of the black soil thickness difference.It is indicated that after the Middle Pleistocene deposits,the fault underwent successively four activities in the form of "extrusion-tension-extrusion-extrusion".The latest activity occurred into the Late Quaternary.Although known to be confirmed by the age of the samples tested and results of the analysis of the microscopic observation,these attempts to understand the new activity in the Early Holocene.According to the formation of reverse fault type colluvial wedge,tensile fracture wedge,seismic fault,these activities should be high speed stick slip activity and corresponding to several strong events of prehistoric earthquakes.The above understanding is partly confirmed by the results of the original microscopic observation.