Mapping XML-Schema to Relational Schema
Hongwei Sun,Shusheng Zhang,Jingtao Zhou,Jing Wang
Abstract:XML is fast emerging as the dominant standard for representing data in Internet. One efficient path to store it is transforming
XML data into relational database. Exiting XML-to-RDB algorithms focus only on the structure and ignore semantic constrains,
in addition, their inputting is not XML-Schema but DTD. In this paper, we present an algorithm for mapping XML-Schema to relational
schema. Our main ideas are as follows: 1) On the basis of regular tree grammar, propose a concise and precise formalization
representing method named FD-XML for XML-Schema; 2) Extend the traditional ER model to Extended ER model (EER); 3) Map FD-XML
to EER and then EER to relational schema. With the above procedures, the mapping algorithm comes into being, where both correct
data structure and integrated data constrains are translated.