Simultaneous Task Allocation and Planning for Multi-Robots under Hierarchical Temporal Logic Specifications
Xusheng Luo,Changliu Liu
Abstract:Research in robotic planning with temporal logic specifications, such as syntactically co-safe Linear Temporal Logic (sc-LTL), has relied on single formulas. However, as task complexity increases, sc-LTL formulas become lengthy, making them difficult to interpret and generate, and straining the computational capacities of planners. To address this, we introduce a hierarchical structure to sc-LTL specifications with both syntax and semantics, proving it to be more expressive than flat counterparts. We conducted a user study that compared the flat sc-LTL with our hierarchical version and found that users could more easily comprehend complex tasks using the hierarchical structure. We develop a search-based approach to synthesize plans for multi-robot systems, achieving simultaneous task allocation and planning. This method approximates the search space by loosely interconnected sub-spaces, each corresponding to an sc-LTL specification. The search primarily focuses on a single sub-space, transitioning to another under conditions determined by the decomposition of automatons. We develop multiple heuristics to significantly expedite the search. Our theoretical analysis, conducted under mild assumptions, addresses completeness and optimality. Compared to existing methods used in various simulators for service tasks, our approach improves planning times while maintaining comparable solution quality.
Robotics,Artificial Intelligence,Formal Languages and Automata Theory