Reduction of biogenic amine concentration in fermented sausage by selected starter cultures
chong xie,huhu wang,xiaokai nie,lin chen,shaolin deng,xinglian xu
CyTA - Journal of Food
Abstract:We determined the effects of selected starter cultures for the production and ripening of fermented sausages on their ability to reduce biogenic amines accumulation. Starter cultures used were: Group L: Lactobacillus plantarum; Group X: Staphylococcus xylosus; Group M: Lactobacillus plantarum together with Staphylococcus xylosus; and Group C: control group without added starter cultures. At the end of ripening period, those inoculated with S. xylosus had only a slight effect on reduction of tyramine (21%), histamine (25%) and cadaverine (22%) compared with the control group. Addition of S. xylosus plus L. plantarum effectively reduced tryptamine, phenylethylamine, putrescine, cadaverine, histamine and tyramine by nearly 100, 100, 86, 63, 82 and 43%, respectively. There were no statistically significant (P>0.05) differences between batches M and L. Results indicated that L. plantarum used in this work had a strong effect on inhibiting the production of biogenic amines. Se determinaron los efectos de los cultivos iniciadores seleccionados para la produccion y maduracion de salchichas fermentadas en su habilidad para reducir la acumulacion de aminas biogenas. Los cultivos iniciadores que se utilizaron fueron: Grupo L: Lactobacillus plantarum; Grupo X: Staphylococcus xylosus; Grupo M: Lactobacillus plantarum juntamente con Staphylococcus xylosus y Grupo C: grupo control sin cultivos iniciadores. Al final del periodo de maduracion, aquellos que inocularon con S. xylosus unicamente tuvieron un ligero efecto secundario de reduccion de tiramina (21%), histamina (25%), cadaverina (22%) en comparacion con el grupo control. La adicion de S. xylosus mas L. plantarum redujo efectivamente la triptamina, feniletilamina, putrescina, cadaverina, histamina, tiramina cerca de 100%, 100%, 86%, 63%, 82% y 43%, respectivamente. No se produjeron diferencias estadisticas significativas (P>0,05) entre los lotes M y L. Los resultados indicaron que el L. plantarum utilizado en este estudio tuvo un fuerte efecto en la inhibicion de la produccion de aminas biogenas.