Study of Prevention of Forest Fire Propagation by Helicopters--Effect of Water Applied to Fallen Leaves to Protect from Ignition by Firebrands

Kohyu SATOH,Chuji.Konishi,刘乃安
Abstract:Every year many forest fires have occurred inthe world. However, fire protection measures of fires arenot sufficient yet, although forest fires cause heavy dam-ages to the precious natural environment. A large greenarea in mountains often disappears due to the spread offires under such serious weather conditions as strong driedwinds. There have been many cases taking long hours torepress large-scale forest fires, although helicopters andaircrafts of fire departments are often used. Firebrandscan easily jump over valleys in the ridges from leewardridges of forests and are widely scattered by the strongwinds. Therefore, it is very important to examine methodsto prevent the rapid fire propagation due to the spread offirebrands. Generally, fires at the early stage just when afirebrand ignites at a new spot are still comparatively weakand small in size. Therefore, it may be possible to attackthe fires in a still early stage, by applying water from he-licopters and aircrafts. The objective of this study is fo-cused on the method to apply water in the leeward areawhere firebrands reach, using helicopters and aircraftsand examined are the effective methods to prevent the firespread due to firebrands from a ridge to a leeward ridge,by laboratory experiments and computer simulation.
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