Analysis on Prevalence of Gastric Cardia Precancerous Lesions and Early Gastric Cardia Adenocarcinoma from the Symptom-Free Subjects at High and Low-Incidence Area in Henan
Abstract:Aim: To characterize the prevalence of gastric cardia lesions, to correlate these lesions with sex and age through mass survey on 1 975 symptom free subjects from the high and low incidence area and to expand the knowledge on morphological changes in multistage carcinogenesis of gastric cardia adenocarcinoma (GCA). Methods: Endoscopy, mucosal biopsy and histopathology were applied.Results: In high incidence area, of the 1006 biopsy samples examined, 9 cases were identified as early GCA (0.9%),33 cases,as dysplaisa(DYS,3.3%),102 cases,as chronic atrophic gastritis(CAG,10.1%), 269 cases,as chronic superficial gastritis(CSG, 26.7%), and 593 cases,as normal(NOR, 58.9%). The detection rates of DYS were higher in males than in females;In low incidence area, of the 208 biopsy samples examined, no early GCA was identified. But 2 cases were identified as DYS(1.0%),one in male, the other in cases were identified as CAG(3.4%), 118 cases as CSG(56.7%)and 81 cases as normal(38.9%).Conclusion:The results confirm the dramatic geographic distribution of GCA, and suggest that DYS and CAG may be the severe precancerous lesions of GCA.