[Clinical characteristics of central nervous system involvement in IgG4 related diseases]
G Y Meng,Y X Zhang,Y Y Liu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.19723/j.issn.1671-167X.2021.06.006
Abstract:Objective: To improve the understanding of the clinical characteristics of immunoglobulin G4-related disease (IgG4-RD) with central nervous system (CNS) involvement, so as to contribute to the early diagnosis and treatment. Methods: In this study, 10 patients with IgG4-RD with CNS involvement were selected. Clinical data including demographic features, clinical manifestations, organ involvement, laboratory findings, radiological results, pathology, treatments and outcomes were collected retrospectively. Results: Among the 10 IgG4-RD patients complicated with CNS involvement, 6 cases manifested as pituitary involvement and 4 cases manifested as dural involvement. Only 2 patients had nervous system involvement alone, while the left patients were complicated with other organ involvement besides nervous system. Half of the patients presented nervous system involvement as the initial manifestation, and the main symptoms of nervous system included polydipsia, polyuria, headache, decreased vision and so on. In the laboratory examination, the serum IgG4 level was increased in 9 cases (90.0%), and the total serum IgE was increased in 7 cases (87.5%). At the same time, their IgG, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were increased, while complement (C) 3 and C4 were decreased in some patients. Eight patients underwent tissue biopsies in different parts, the pathological examination showed a large number of lymphocyte and plasma cell infiltration, accompanied by fibrous tissue proliferation in part. All the patients were treated with glucocorticoids, and 8 cases (80%) were given immunosuppressants at the same time, and 3 cases were treated with rituximab when they expe-rienced disease relapse. As a result, 2 cases (20%) achieved complete remission (CR), and 8 cases (80%) achieved partial remission (PR). The median follow-up time was 13.5 months, and 4 cases relapsed. Conclusion: Pituitary and dura are common affected organs of IgG4-RD with CNS involvement. Most IgG4-RD patients with CNS involvement are combined with other organ involvement, but half of them presented nervous system involvement as the initial manifestation, and the symptoms are not typical. In order to make an early diagnosis, laboratory, imaging examination and tissue biopsy should be taken into consideration in combination if necessary.