І. А. Бєлих,С. І. Самойленко,О. М. Близнюк,Н. Ю. Масалітіна,А. П. Бєлінська,О. О. Варанкіна,О. Ф. Чечуй,О. В. Звягінцева,I. A. Bielykh,S. І. Samoilenko,O. N. Bliznjuk,N. Yu. Masalitina,A. P. Belinska,O. O. Varankina,H. F. Chechui,O. V. Zviahintseva
Integrated Technologies and Energy Saving
Abstract:The article discusses the solution of issues related to increasing the efficiency of technological processes and ensuring the release of high-quality finished products, relevant for production based on the use of S. cerevisiae yeast. The paper identifies major reasons for the need to regulate yeast culture metabolism, considers existing practice and proposes methods of changing its metabolic activity. The purpose of the research is to create the classification of the supplements / preparations from different origin to improve yeast vital activity by adjusting its culture medium composition with the use of complex hierarchical faceted method.
The proliferative processes taking place in the yeast cell are quite easily regulated. Therefore, knowing the dependence between the specific conditions of the environment and certain aspects of the yeast culture's vital activity, it is possible to purposefully change its growth, development and metabolism. Creating and maintaining certain conditions for the cultivation of yeast allows you to control the course of the fermentation process.
The influence of biologically active substances on the proliferative activity of S. cerevisiae cells was investigated. Concentrations were determined and the regulatory effect of succinic and folic acid preparations on the proliferative activity of yeast cells was proven. A comparative analysis of influence of different concentrations of exogenous substances on microorganisms culture growth was carried out. The most optimal concentrations of drugs for activation of yeast cell division were determined: succinic acid/ascorbic acid – 0.0015/0.0002 mg/ml; folic acid – 0.006 mg/ml.
Specific growth rate of yeast during cultivation in 20 % sucrose solution with succinic/ascorbic and folic acid preparations was calculated. It was established that the highest specific rate of cell growth was observed in the complex preparation, which included three organic acids. It was established that the specific rate of yeast reproduction in the complex preparation increased by an average of 30–35 % relative to the control sample. Increase in specific growth rate by 20–25 % of yeast was also observed in the medium with folic acid, the addition of succinic/ascorbic acids did not significantly increase specific rate (by approximately 10 %) of the growth of the S. cerevisiae yeast culture. It has been established that biologically active substances have certain concentrations that activate cell division and contribute to their active development and critical limits at which the development and growth of yeast cells are inhibited.