Descriptions and Barcoding of Five New Chinese Deuterophlebia Species Revealing This Genus in Both Holarctic and Oriental Realms (Diptera: Deuterophlebiidae)
Xuhongyi Zheng,Zhiteng Chen,Pengxu Mu,Zhenxing Ma,Changfa Zhou
Abstract:The monotypic family Deuterophlebiidae of China was recorded twice previously from far northwest upon adults, the most parts of this country have not been investigated, leaving a huge blank of knowledge on their morphology, diversity, biology, or distribution. After deliberated collecting and rearing in recent years, we obtained more than one thousand specimens of Deuterophlebiidae, they are classified into five new species herein: Deuterophlebia sinensis sp. nov., D. yunnanensis sp. nov., D. wuyiensis sp. nov., D. acutirhina sp. nov. and D. alata sp. nov. Detailed descriptions and photographs of gathered life stages are given for these new species. Adults of them can be identified by chaetotaxy and length ratio of flagellomeres and legs, microtrichia on postgena and shape of their clypeus, pupae can be recognized by thoracic spines and abdominal chitin bands, and larvae can be separated by setae on thorax and abdomen. Genetic distances between species are 0.086–0.175 based on their COI genes. This contribution represents the first database of the enigmatic Deuterophlebiidae from China and shows a new distribution pattern of Deuterophlebia. In addition, the discovery throws some light on the origin and biogeography of the genus and family.