Investigation on Heavy Metal Distribution in Energy Feedstuffs and Protein Feedstuffs of Sichuan Province
Xue BAI,Zehong YUAN,Jianping WANG,Xuemei DING,Shiping BAI,Qiufeng ZENG,Keying ZHANG
Abstract:This study was designed to investigate the heavy metal distribution in common use energy feedstuffs and protein feedstuffs of Sichuan province, in order to provided the safely in feedstuffs and animal products. The contents of manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), vanadium (V), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), seleni-um (Se), molybdenum (Mo), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb) in 68 samples of energy feedstuffs [corn, wheat, distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS), corn husk of spray, wheat bran and rice bran] and 61 samples of protein feedstuffs (corn gluten meal, corn germ meal, soybean meal, rapeseed meal and cottonseed meal) of Sichuan province were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results showed as follows:1) the over standard rates of Cu, Cr and Pb in corn were 5.00%, 20.00%and 5.00%, respectively;and the means of over standard sample were 11.00, 1.41 and 1.06 mg/kg, respectively. The over standard rates of Cu, Zn, Cr, Se and Pb in wheat were 50.00%, 30.00%, 50.00%, 20.00%and 30.00%, respectively;and the means of over standard sample were 12.96, 54.67, 4.92, 0.53 and 0.72 mg/kg, respectively. 2) The over standard rates of Cu, Zn, Cr, Se, Cd and Pb in wheat bran were 100.00%, 54.55%, 81.82%, 9.09%, 45.45%and 72.73%, respectively;and the means of over standard sample was 16.01, 62.00, 13.96, 0.82, 0.42 and 1.99 mg/kg, respectively. The over standard rates of Cu, Zn, Cr, As, Se, Cd and Pb in rice bran were 83.33%, 16.67%, 83.33%, 83.33%, 16.67%, 66.67%and 100.00%, respectively; and the means of over standard sample were 11. 48, 64. 00, 5. 37, 1. 05, 0. 32, 0. 23 and 19.57 mg/kg, respectively. 3) The over standard rates of Cu, Zn, Cr, As, Se and Pb in corn germ meal were 25.00%, 37.50%, 75.00%, 12.50%, 25.00% and 50.00%, respectively;and the means of over standard sample were 13.50, 64.00, 6.10, 1.82, 0.46 and 1.66 mg/kg, respectively. The over standard rates of Cu, Cr and Se in corn gluten meal were 11.11%, 55.56%and 55.56%, respectively;and the means of over standard sample were 11.40, 1.56 and 0.94 mg/kg, respectively. The over standard rates of Zn, Cr and Pb in corn husk of spray were 44.44%, 77.78%and 55.56%, respectively;and the means of over standard sample were 57.50, 6.13 and 1.65 mg/kg, respectively. The over standard rates of Cu, Zn, Cr, Se, Cd and Pb in DDGS were 33.33%, 58.33%, 66.67%, 8.33%, 8.33%and 66.67%, respectively;and the means of over standard sample were 11.75, 62.57, 5.57, 0.30, 0.62 and 4.47 mg/kg, respective-ly. 4) The over standard rates of Cr and Se in soybean meal was 15.00%and 25.00%, respectively;and the means of over standard sample were 3.90 and 1.63 mg/kg, respectively. The over standard rates of Cr, Se and Pb in cottonseed meal were 40.00%, 30.00% and 15.00%, respectively;and the means of over standard sample were 3.43, 1.18 and 3.14 mg/kg, respectively. The over standard rates of Cr, As, Se, Cd and Pb in rapeseed meal were 81.82%, 18.18%, 45.45%, 9.09%and 72.73%, respectively;and the means of over standard sample were 7.48, 2.22, 0.36, 0.24 and 4.91 mg/kg, respectively. In conclusion, the heavy metal pollution is more seriousin in the by-products in foodstuffs and cottonseed meal, the contents of Cr and Pb in feed ingredient are serious excessive, which is potentially danger-ous, should be paid attention to it.