Spatial-temporal variations of precipitation and drought characteristics in Wei River Basin

Abstract:The Wei River Basin is located at a typical frail zone of ecological environment in the east part of northwest China, where frequent drought disasters become the major factor which restricts the sustainable development of regional economy, es-pecially the agricultural economy. Therefore,it is important study the high and lowwater changes of precipitation and drought characteristics in the basin to understand the cause and development lawof drought. Based on the precipitation data froM14 typ-ical weather stations,according to the methods such as Mann-Kendall trend test,frequency analysis,differential curve, and runs analysis, variation trends of precipitation and less water probability characteristics were analyzed. The results showed that:(1) precipitationhasasignificantlydecreasingtrend,especialyinspringandautumnintherecent40years,whichincreasestheoc-curring possibility of regionaldrought;(2) theprecipitation processpresents thewet-dry alternating phenomenon,continualwet years and dry years occurring and overlapping frequently,which indicates that the drought and flood may coexist in one year;(3) theoccurrenceprobabilityofcontinualdryyearsishigherthanthatofcontinualwetyears,andlesswaterperiodcanlastfor 2to3years,whichleadstodroughtwithlargerintensity;and(4) thefrequencyandintensityofdroughteventshaveanincreas-ing trend in Wei River Basin since 1991. Therefore, it should be paid high attention to the bigger threat of agricultural develop-ment and water safety in t he future.
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