Bt Rice Pollen Distribution on Mulberry Leaves Near Ricefileds

Acta Ecologica Sinica
Abstract:Sericulture is an important industry for silk production in Southern China. Typi cally, mulberry (Morus L.) plants are grown on the ridge of or beside rice fiel ds in this area, the so-called mulberry-rice mixed cropping area. The allowing o f limited environmental release, and presumable commercial release later, of Bt (Bacillus thuingiensis) transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.) by China raise d a doub t that if Bt transgenic rice pollen, which will be wind-dispersed on mulberry l e aves, is harmful for sericulture in the mulberry-rice mixed cropping area. The s tudies reported here contribute to the exposure characterization necessary for a ssessing the risk of Bt rice pollen to silkworm(Bombyx mori L.)larvae. In part icular, this paper describes the naturally occurring densities of rice pollen on mulberry leaves during rice anthesis for a number of geographic locations and u nder a variety of environmental conditions at mulberry-rice mixed cropping area in China. The density of rice pollen on leaves of mulberry plants outside of ricefields wa s measured at different locations (total 20 sampling sites)in Hangzhou, China on September 16 and 18, 2001. Three scopes were observed immediately under micro scope for every leaf after it was picked. Before observation, 1%I-KI solvent wa s spread on leaves. Upon contact with the solvent, pollen turns dark blue and is easily observed. Pollen was found on 54.5% of total 255 sampling leaves. The a ve rage density of all leaves was 92.9 grains per cm2 (13.3~199.0 grains per c m2), which is not significantly different from 109.1 grains per cm2, a harmful de nsi ty for silkworm larvae (t=0.10, P0.5). A pollen density of 221.5 gra ins per cm2 (over twice the toxic level of 109.1) was observed on 16.2% of leaves. In ge ne ral, pollen density was progressively lower from the field edge outward. In one case within this study, the average pollen density of leaves from mulberry plant s that are 10m away from the ricefield also reached the dangerous level of 92.9 grains per cm2. The safe isolation distance is 100m based on China or 150m bas ed on ESD, the World Bank. But distances between ricefields and mulberry plants ar e usually less than 100m in the sericultural region. Meanwhile a comparative stu dy on flow capability of pollen between Bt rice and its wild-type was carried o u t. Bt rice and its wild-type plants (three individual plants for each treatment ) were moved to mulberryfield during their anthesis. The average density of polle n on leaves around rice (including transgenic and non-transgenic rice) was 3.8 gr a ins per cm2. Meanwhile, there was no difference in the wind-dispersed capabil ity of pollen between Bt and its wild-type rice. These results suggest that commercial release of Bt rice may be harmful to seric ulture in the southern sericultural region in China.(t
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