Kalman Normalization - Normalizing Internal Representations Across Network Layers.
Wang, Guangrun,peng, jiefeng,Luo, Ping,Wang, Xinjiang,Lin, Liang
Abstract:As an indispensable component, Batch Normalization (BN) has successfully improved the training of deep neural networks (DNNs) with mini-batches, by normalizing the distribution of the internal representation for each hidden layer. However, the effectiveness of BN would diminish with the scenario of micro-batch (e.g. less than 4 samples in a mini-batch), since the estimated statistics in a mini-batch are not reliable with insufficient samples. This limits BN's room in training larger models on segmentation, detection, and video-related problems, which require small batches constrained by memory consumption. In this paper, we present a novel normalization method, called Kalman Normalization (KN), for improving and accelerating the training of DNNs, particularly under the context of micro-batches. Specifically, unlike the existing solutions treating each hidden layer as an isolated system, KN treats all the layers in a network as a whole system, and estimates the statistics of a certain layer by considering the distributions of all its preceding layers, mimicking the merits of Kalman Filtering. On ResNet50 trained in ImageNet, KN has 3.4% lower error than its BN counterpart when using a batch size of 4; Even when using typical batch sizes, KN still maintains an advantage over BN while other BN variants suffer a performance degradation. Moreover, KN can be naturally generalized to many existing normalization variants to obtain gains, e.g.equipping Group Normalization [34] with Group Kalman Normalization (GKN). KN can outperform BN and its variants for large scale object detection and segmentation task in COCO 2017.