A Model of Dynamic Information Disclosure
Haibo Xu
Abstract:We study a dynamic game in which a
nancial expert seeks to optimize the utilization of her private information either by information disclosure to an investor or by self-use. The investor may be aligned or biased: an aligned investor always cooperates with the expert, whereas a biased investor may strategically betray the expert. We characterize the joint dynamics of the experts information disclosure and the investors type revelation and show that, by a process of gradual information disclosure, the expert can signi
cantly alleviate the hold-up e¤ect exerted by the biased investor. In particular, we show that the equilibrium dynamics of the playersinteractions is unique. We also examine how the expert can further improve her utilization of information by committing to a deadline or by committing to a particular pattern of information disclosure. Key Words: Private information; Information disclosure; Hold-up e¤ect; Gradualism; Commitment. JEL Classi
cation: C73, D82, D83. Im indebted to my advisor, David Levine, for his continuous guidance and encouragement. I thank Marcus Berliant, Philip Dybvig, Fei Li, Qingmin Liu, John Nachbar, Maher Said, seminar and conference participants for their valuable comments. All errors are mine. Department of Economics, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA, 63130. E-mail: haiboxu@wustl.edu.