Physiological Responses in Air Conditioning Environment and Its Effects on Air Conditioning Closing Behavior
Yiwen JIAN,Xiaoyan CHANG,Yucen LI,Meng GAO,Yuanquan TIAN
Abstract:As a complementary research on human thermal adaptation in air conditioning environment,this study aimed to explore human physiological thermal responses in real air conditioning environment and discuss their effects on air conditioning closing behaviors.For this,one office room,equipped with one split air conditioner,was selected to provide real air conditioning environment,and 12 students volunteered to be subjects.20 field surveys about human thermal responses to air conditioning environment when subjects just leave a non-air-conditioned environment,to simulate the intermittent running of air conditioners in real conditions,were conducted in this office room.During each survey,skin temperatures of the main body parts were measured;and human thermal sensations were recorded.Additionally,the indoor temperature and relative humidity were measured.The results showed the significant variations of foot skin temperatures and their great effects on human thermal sensations when human limbs and neck were almost exposed in air conditioning environment.In response to this,human thermal sensations presented the"stepdown"trends from the votes of"thermal neutrality"to the votes of"cool"or"cold",demonstrating the great impacts of foot skin temperatures on human thermal sensation votes.Moreover,foot skin temperatures were also found to have statistical effects on human thermal acceptance level in air conditioning environment and their actions to turn off air conditioners,which eventually resulted from human exposure environments and their thermal history.The lower the indoor temperature in air conditioning environment,the more likely subjects to turn off air conditioner.By comparison,the correlations of human thermal sensation votes and their actions to turn off air conditioners with skin temperatures of the other body parts as neck,chest,hand,forearm and thigh,as well as heart rate and blood pressure have not reached statistical significance.