Mcrosurgical reconstructions of hepatic arteries in pediatric liver transplantation performed by a single surgeon:115 cases report
Mingxuan Feng,Ming Zhang,Tao Zhou,Bijun Qiu,Lihong Gu,Yi Luo,Jiangjun Zhang,Qiang Xia
Abstract:Objective Hepatic artery (HA) reconstruction is one challenging procedure in pediatric liver transplantation (PLT).Here we review the first 115 microsurgical reconstructions of HA in PLT performed by a single surgeon,aiming to demonstrate the learning curve and the problems encountered.Methods From July 2016 to January 2017,a series of 115 microsurgical reconstructions of HA in PLT for end-stage liver disease were finished by one single surgeon with 4-year liver surgery experience and 2-week microsurgical training.HA reconstruction was performed with an operating microscope (Carl-Zeiss S88).Reconstruction was completed with interrupted sutures with 8-0 or 9-0 Prolene using the double clip for fixation.The blood flow was examined by Doppler scan daily after PLTs in first week and then once in 2nd week and first month for patency.A total of 143 artery anastomoses were performed in 115 PLTs.The age ranged from 3 months to 9 years.Indications for PLT included biliary atresia (105/115),Alagille syndrome (5/115),PFIC (3/115),Caroli disease (1/115),methylmalonicacidemia (1/115) and glycogen storage disease (1/115).Most of the PLTs were living donor liver transplantation (107/115),along with OLT (5/115) and split LT (3/115).Results The diameter of the arteries was mostly less than 2 mm (98/115).Up to date,one HA thrombosis (HAT) occurred at D8 after LT and 4 cases suspected as temporal HA stenosis (HAS) around 2 weeks after LT,which manifested as low velocity (<20 cm/s) and resistance index (<0.50) by Doppler.The HAT case failed in emergent re-anastomosis,but had a spontaneous recanalization at 3 weeks and is now in good condition without biliary problem.All the HAS children recovered to normal flows at first month.All children with HA complications started warfarin upon detection,with a targeted INR between 1.5-2.0.There were 6 deaths in this series including 5 cases of infections and 1 case of graft failure.Learning curve suggested a two phases growth (first 44 cases "practicing phase" 71 cases "mature phase"),which can be attributed to experience accumulation in terms of precise of manipulation,choice of inflow arteries for better match and stronger pulsation,avoidance of length redundant,prevention of kink.All the HAT and HASs happened in practicing phase while outcomes were excellent in mature phase.Moreover,time for each anastomosis was significantly shortened in second phase from 45-70 min to 30-55 min.Conclusion Microsurgical technique is highly safe in pediatric HA reconstruction,especially for very tiny arteries.It is possible to achieve low risk of complications for a new surgeon with adequate experience in liver surgery and microsurgical training.However,more surveillance and timing anticoagulation therapy is required before the mature of microsurgical technique.