Dosimetry of 131I labeled metuximab and transarterial chemoembolization for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma

Abstract:Objective Metuximab is a specific monoclonal antibody F(ab')fragment targeted to the hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)associated antigen of HAb18G/CD147.131I labeled metuximab has shown to be effective response on HCC in phase Ⅰ/Ⅱtrails.To evaluate the feasibility of 131I-metuximab combined with transarterial chemoembolization(TACE)is the treatment of HCC,the anthors estimated the radiation absorbed dose to organs.Methods 131I-metuximab(27.75 MBq/kg)and the mixture of anticancer drug and Lipiodol with interval 20 min later were administered to 21 patients with HCC via a transfemoral catheter.The pharmacokinetie and desimetric data were collected by means of venous blood samples.urine collections,and 4 or 5 γ-scintigraphies (SPECT) over7 d.The total amount of activity in percent of iniected activity (%ID)of main organ and the total body were calculated by regions of interest(ROI).The cumulated activities were determined from integration of the time-%ID curves using the SPSS 12.0 software.Absorbed doses to organ and red marrow were estimated according to the medical internal radiation dose (MIRD) formalism and blood-based marrow estimation with a red marrow-to-blood activity concentration ratio.The tumorto-no tumor ratio was calculated as well.Results A mean administered aetivity was 1.89 GBq per session (range 1.47-2.23 GBq).SPECT scans showed the significant accumulation of the radioconjugate in liver tumor and faint uptake in other organs until 14 d.Organ absorbed dose(n=12):the total absorbed dose to liver,spleen,thyroid,lungs,kidney and total-body was(3.19±1.01),(3.65±2.41),(3.61±2.40),(0.97±0.23),(0.96±0.35)and(0.57±1.55)Gy,with(0.55±0.09)Gy to the red marrow(n=7),respectively.From 2.88±1.11 to 1.64±0.39 were observed in tumor-to-liver ratio at 3 h to 168 h.Conclusion Internal absorbed dose estimation based on MIRD formalism is not only to establish reliable dose-response relationships for target tissue and dose-toxicity relationships for normal tissue but also to improve treatment planning in individual patient.
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