Consistency of creatinine results in Shanghai and the preliminary clinical application of estimated glomerular filtration rate

Jiong WU,Wei GUO,Yi-hui YANG,Bin-bin SONG,Chun-yan ZHANG,Bai-shen PAN
Abstract:Objective To explore the consistency of the clinical serum creatinine results in Shanghai district and investigate the population distribution of apparently healthy people, modified MDRD formula adapted to Chinese population was used to estimate glomerular filtration rate and its distribution for further assessment of the clinical applicability of the eGFR.Methods A fresh pooled human serum sample with given IFCC's creatinine level from c.f.a.s.(calibration for automatic system) ,was used to calibrate the creatinine detecting systems of each participating hospital laboratory before every examination. Fourteen hospital laboratories successively conducted 6 experiments, and the test results were almost identical.They tested and studied the creatinine values of 6 837 ( male 3 289, female 2 132, children and teenagers 1 416)apparently healthy individuals, age from 0 to 99 years old, and estimated eGFR value of these apparently healthy individuals according to the documented eGFR formula [ eGFR = 175 × (Scr) -1.154 × (age) -0.203 ×0.742 (female) × 0.827 ] which was applied especially to Shanghai people.Results Before calibration,the inter-laboratory CVs of creatinine results varied from 3.1% -9.1%, and after calibration, CVs decreased to less than 5%.A good consistency of the creatinine results was established among all these hospitals.The result of population distribution study of creatinine for men was 63.0-102.8 μmol/L,for women was 45.0-76.0 μmol/L, and for children and teenagers was 0-1 year old 11.0-77.0 μmol/L, 2 years old 15.5-33.3 μmol/L,3-5 years old 19.0-42.0 μmol/L, 6-19 years old 41.4-62.0 μmol/L.The Cr value were different between the male and femal [ male: ( 82.1 ± 10.9 ) μmol/L, femal: ( 59.4 ± 8.4 ) μmol/L, t =94.3 ,P <0.01 = ;The eGFR value could decrease the sexual difference[ male: (79.1 ± 13.5) ml · ( min ·1.73 m2 ) -1, femal: (79.2 ± 13.6) ml · ( min · 1.73 m2 ) - 1, t = 0.266, P > 0.05 ].The difference of Cr and eGFR could not be eliminated between the groups divided by every 10 years(x2Cr =2 601 ,P <0.01 ;x2eGFR2= 1 105 ,P <0.01 =.Conclusions The pooled patients' sera could be used as calibrator for harmonizing of creatinine results among the laboratories. The reference rang of Cr should be differentiated by age and sex.Although eGFR can decrease the difference of sex, it cannot eliminate the difference of age.
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