Application of a single-lumen endotracheal intubation and continuous carbon dioxide insufflation in video-assisted tho-racoscopic surgery "
ZHOU Jianhua,CHEN Haiquan,SUN Yihua,ZHOU Xian,LUO Xiaoyang
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the safety and feasibility of application of a single-lumen endotracheal intubation and continuous carbon dioxide insufflation in video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery by prospectively analyzing the respiratory and circulatory effects of carbon dioxide insufflation. Methods 20 patients underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery using single-lumen endotracheal intubation and continuous carbon dioxide insufflation were studied. Monitoring the CVP, ABP, HR, SpO2 , airway pressure, and E-TCO2 unedr the maintenance of in-trapleural pressure at 6-10 mm Hg and insufflation velocity 2-3 L/min, compared with those of the changes after insufflation. Results After the carbon dioxide insufflation, the CVP, HR, airway pressure, E-TCO2 , PCO2 increased and the pH value decreased, all the measurements were stabilized in 30 minutes and returned to baseline levels within 5 minutes after termination of insufflation. There were no significant changes in ABP, SpO2 , and PO2 after the insufflation. Operative procedures were completed successfully in all cases without severe complications. Conclusions The single-lumen endotracheal intubation and continuous carbon dioxide insufflation is a safe, efficacious and economic technique in video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. (Shanghai Med J, 2006, 29:286-289)