Analysis of 21 cases laparoscopic partial nephrectomy by retroperitoneoscopy together with small inferiorabdominal incision
Xukai Yang,Yangmin Wang,Shiguang Wang,Fenghai Zhou,Dehui Chang,Tian Lan,Qi Yang,Bin Zhang,Pengcheng Miao,Chuang Huang
Journal of Modern Oncology
Abstract:Objective:To evaluate the clinical efficacy of LPN by retroPeritoneoscoPy together with small inferio-rabdominal incision on renal cell carcinoma in early stage. Methods:Enhanced CT scan were PreoPeratively used on 21 cases,the diameter of tumor >4cm,and the distance to the collecting system >10mm. SePatated Perirenal fat with laParoscoPe,when renal Pedicle aPPeared,small incision was aPPlied to comPlete LPN,randomly selected 16 cases comPletely laParoscoPic Partial nePhrectomy as control. Results:All the cases had been oPerated successfully,renal Pedicle clamPing time was(22. 90 ± 3. 72)min,the mean oPeration time was(189. 71 ± 12. 99)min,the amount of bleeding was(262. 9 ± 56. 84)ml. Pathology results showed that there were 15 clear cell carcinomas,2 chromoPhobe cell carcinomas,3 eosinoPhilic cell tumors and 1 renal angiomyoliPomas. The follow-uP time was range from 5 to 10 months,none of them have recured. Conclusion:With regard to renal tumors which was 3-4cm,LPN by retroPerito-neoscoPy together with small inferiorabdominal incision was safe and effective.