Lipomatous apocrine mixed tumor of the skin associated with chondroid and ossiferous stroma
N. Misago,Y. Narisawa
Abstract:Dear Editor, Mixed tumor of the skin (chondroid syringoma) is a benign sweat gland neoplasm composed of both epithelial and mesenchymal components and is classified into two groups, apocrine and eccrine types, with the former being more common.1,2 The mesenchymal component usually consists of myxoid and/or chondroid stroma, and ossification is only rarely associated.3,4 The adipocyte component is also common in the stroma; however, an extensive adipocyte component is extremely rare.3,4 Only two such cases of extensive adipocyte component have been reported recently as lipomatous (apocrine) mixed tumor of the skin.5,6 We herein report an additional case of lipomatous apocrine mixed tumor of the skin associated with chondroid and ossiferous stroma. A 68-year-old woman presented with several years’ history of a nodular lesion on her right cheek. Physical examination showed a well-circumscribed, skincolored, firm nodule measuring 1.5–1.7 cm (Fig. 1). The nodule was surgically excised under the clinical diagnosis of epidermal cyst, and a gray-yellowish subcutaneous nodule, mimicking lipoma, was removed. The lesion was histopathologically a wellcircumscribed, subcutaneous nodule with fibrous encapsulation. Nearly half of the lesion was an epithelial component and the other half was a mesenchymal component (Fig. 2a). The epithelial component was made up of elongated tubular structures and solid aggregations (Fig. 2b). The luminal cells of the tubular structures were usually flattened or cuboidal, but were rarely columnar with apical snouts of decapitation secretions. The solid aggregations were composed mostly of polygonal cells. Characteristically, approximately 80% of the mesenchymal component consisted of numerous adipocytes (Fig. 3a), and the remaining 20% was composed of myxoid stroma associated with chondroid elements and a focus of ossification (Fig. 3b,c). Thus, nearly 40% of all the neoplastic components were composed of adipocytes. The two recently reported cases of lipomatous mixed tumor of the skin were apocrine, similar to this case,6 with one assessed as apocrine based on the presence of long tubular structures.5 These cases were composed of adipose tissue, comprising nearly 50%6 and 90%5 of all the neoplastic components, respectively. Our case, in which nearly 40% of all the components and 80% of the stromal component