Noise Induces Continuous and Noncontinuous Transitions in Neuronal Interspike Intervals Range
P R Protachevicz,M S Santos,E G Seifert,E C Gabrick,F S Borges,R,J Trobia,J D Szezech Jr,K C Iarosz,I L Caldas,C G Antonopoulos,Y Xu,R L Viana,A M Batista
Abstract:Noise appears in the brain due to various sources, such as ionic channelfluctuations and synaptic events. They affect the activities of the brain andinfluence neuron action potentials. Stochastic differential equations have beenused to model firing patterns of neurons subject to noise. In this work, weconsider perturbing noise in the adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire (AEIF)neuron. The AEIF is a two-dimensional model that describes different neuronalfiring patterns by varying its parameters. Noise is added in the equationrelated to the membrane potential. We show that a noise current can inducecontinuous and noncontinuous transitions in neuronal interspike intervals.Moreover, we show that the noncontinuous transition occurs mainly forparameters close to the border between tonic spiking and burst activities ofthe neuron without noise.