Automated Software Testing in the Absence of Specifications

Xiaoxu Diao,Manuel Rodriguez,Boyuan Li,Carol Smidts
Abstract:Page 1. Automated Software Testing in the Absence of Specifications Tao Xie North Carolina State University Department of Computer Science Nov 2005 Page 2. Why Automate Testing? • Software testing is important – Software errors cost the US economy about $59.5 billion each year (0.6% of the GDP) [NIST 02] – Improving testing infrastructure could save 1/3 cost • Software testing is costly – Account for even half the total cost of software development [Beizer 90] • Automated testing reduces manual testing effort – Test execution: JUnit framework – Test generation: Parasoft Jtest, Agitar Agitator, etc. – Test-behavior checking: Parasoft Jtest, Agitar Agitator, etc. Page 3. Automated Specification-Based Testing • Test-input generation – preconditions – class invariants • Test-behavior checking – postcondtions – class invariants • Tool examples – Parasoft Jtest, TestEra [Marinov et al …
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