Unit Testing during the Development of Digital Reactor Protection System of HTR-PM
Chao Guo,Huasheng Xiong,Shuqiao Zhou,Jianghai Li
Abstract:Reactor Protection System (RPS) of High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Pebble bed Module (HTR-PM) is the first digital RPS designed and to be operated in the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) of China, and its development process has receives a lot of concerns around the world. As a 1E-level safety system, the RPS has to be designed and developed following a series of nuclear laws and technical disciplines including software verification and validation (software V&V). Software V&V process demonstrates whether all stages during the software development are performed correctly, completely, accurately, and consistently, and the results of each stage are testable. Software testing is one of the most significant and time-consuming effort during software V&V. In this paper, we give a comprehensive introduction to the software unit testing during the development of RPS in HTR-PM. We first introduce the objective of the testing for our project in the aspects of static testing, black-box testing, and whitebox testing. Then the testing techniques, including static testing and dynamic testing, are explained, and the testing strategy we employed is also introduced. We then introduce the principles of three kinds of coverage criteria we used including statement coverage, branch coverage, and the modified condition/decision coverage. As a 1E-level safety software, testing coverage needs to be up to 100% mandatorily. Then we talk the details of safety software testing during software development in HTR-PM, including the organization, methods and tools, testing stages, and testing report. The test result and experiences are shared and finally we draw a conclusion for the unit testing process. The introduction of this paper can contribute to improve the process of unit testing and software development for other digital instrumentation and control systems in NPPs.