Assessment of Renewable Energy Accommodation Based on System Flexibility Analysis
LI Zeheng,CHEN Lei,LU Xiaomin,ZHANG Yiwei,XU Fei,YAN Gangui,QI Jun,HOU Youhua,WANG Xiaohai
Abstract:Traditional methods of unit commitment based on power balance can satisfactorily deal with small system uncertainty mainly from load variation. However, with high proportion of renewable energy generation, traditional methods are difficult to meet need of renewable energy accommodation because of much severer power variation and large uncertainty in system, and assessing system capability of accommodating renewable energy becomes more and more important. Based on system flexibility analysis, this paper presents a method to assess system capability of renewable energy accommodation. Firstly, flexibility resources in system are analyzed and quantified in power regulation range. Then based on the observation that renewable energy curtailment stems from flexibility unbalance in power system, modeling of system flexibility adequacy is proposed . Finally, the method is illustrated by its application in a provincial power system to guide operators to arrange flexibility resources properly and improve system ability to accommodate renewable energy. In addition, some measures to enhance system's renewable energy accommodation are discussed,such as participation of self-owned-generation in power regulation and utilization of storage facilities, to further assess ability to accommodate renewable energy in different forecasting error levels.