Tight distance-regular graphs with small diameter

Andries E. Brouwer,Arjeh M. Cohen,Arnold Neumaier
Abstract:We prove the following bound for a k regular graph on n vertices with nontrivial eigenvalues from the interval r s n k rs k r k s Equality holds if and only if the graph is strongly regular with eigenvalues in fk s rg Nonbipartite distance regular graphs with diameter d and eigenvalues k d whose local graphs satisfy the above bound with equality for s b and r b d are called tight graphs and are characterized in many ways in For example a distance regular graph is tight if and only if it is homogeneous and ad We study tight graphs of small diameter It turns out that in the case of diameter three these are precisely the Taylor graphs and in the case of antipodal diameter four these are precisely the graphs for which the Krein parameter q vanishes We derive nonexistence conditions which rule out twenty otherwise feasible arrays of distance regular graphs from the list in pp We prove that in an antipodal distance regular graph with diameter four and vanishing Krein parameters q  and q every second subconstituent graph is again an antipodal distance regular graph of diameter four Finally if is also a double cover i e Q polynomial then it is homogeneous CONTENTS Introduction Tight graphs Antipodal distance regular graphs with diameter four and their krein bounds Krein parameter q homogeneous property and the rst subconstituent Feasibility conditions Krein parameter q homogeneous property and the second subconstituent References Open problems Introduction We motivate the reader of this paper in two very di erent but equally important ways The rst one concerns vanishing of Krein parameters When one considers a certain class C of distance regular graphs the Krein parameters of interest are the ones which are not zero for the whole class C but do vanish for certain members of C In the case of strongly regular graphs only q and q are such Krein parameters Cameron Goethals and Seidel showed that vanishing of either of them implies that rst and second subconstituent graphs are strongly regular In the case of antipodal distance regular graphs of diameter three the Krein parameter q is not always zero but does vanish for certain graphs Godsil showed that its vanishing implies the rst subconstituent of any vertex is strongly regular We study antipodal distance regular graphs with diameter four Let be such a graph The antipodal quotient of is a strongly regular graph and each rst subconstituent graph of is iso morphic to some rst subconstituent graph of the quotient The Krein parameter q h i j of is equal to the Krein parameter qh ij of the quotient Let us assume additionally that is not bipartite Then the Krein parameters q and q of are of particular interest We show that vanishing of the Krein parameter q of is equivalent to homogeneous property and a which is further equivalent to a rst subconstituent graph being strongly regular with certain eigenvalues We show that for a nonbipartite antipodal distance regular graph with diameter four the condition q is equivalent to the graph being tight as it was de ned in see Section We also show that the tight graphs of diameter three are the Taylor graphs which are further equivalent to regular graphs The Taylor graphs see Taylor Seidel and Taylor received considerable attention as well as the other two known in nite families of tight graphs namely the Johnson graphs J d d and the halved cubes H d The only other known example of a tight graph which we have not mentioned yet is the Patterson graph It is an example of a primitive distance regular graph of diameter four Therefore the study of tight graphs of small diameter is the other motivation for our study Let be a tight antipodal distance regular graph of diameter four and let r be the size of its antipodal classes The nontrivial eigenvalues of a rst subconstituent graph are denoted by p and q We call a tight graph with parameters p q r All the intersection parameters and eigenvalues of are expressed in terms of the parameters p q and r Furthermore all the intersection parameters corresponding to homogeneous partition that were calculated in in terms of cosine sequences are also expressed in terms of parameters p q and r This results in the nonexistence conditions which rule out twenty otherwise feasible arrays of antipodal distance regular graphs from the list in pp Known examples of tight graphs with parameters p q r and most of the remaining feasible arrays of these graphs belong to one or two parameter in nite families one of which corresponds to the restriction p q It turns out the Krein parameter q of vanishes if and only if p q We prove that q implies that every second subconstituent graph is again an antipodal distance regular graph of diameter four The antipodal distance regular graph with valency and diameter four constructed by Soicher cf Brouwer is the tight graph with parameters and has q therefore it has the above property Soicher has already found this property with the aid of computer Finally in the case of a tight graph with parameters p q vanishing of the Krein parameter q implies the homogeneous property Other remarkable in nite families of feasible parameters of tight graphs with parameters p q r will be studied in a separate paper In the remainder of this section we recall some basic de nitions and notation An equitable partition of a graph is a partition of its vertices into cells C C Cs such that for all i and j the number cij of neighbours which a vertex in Ci has in the cell Cj is independent of the choice of the vertex in Ci In other words each cell Ci induces a regular graph of valency cii and between any two cells Ci and Cj there is a biregular graph with vertices of the cells Ci and Cj having valencies cij and cji respectively A graph X R with diameter d is distance regular when the distance partition correspond ing to any vertex x X is equitable and the parameters of the equitable partition do not depend on x In a distance regular graph for a pair of vertices x y at distance h the number pij of vertices at distance i from x and j from y depends only on integers i j h and not on x y We denote the intersection numbers pii p i i i p i i i and p ii respectively by ai bi ci and ki for i d note b ai bi ci is the valency of the graph and call fb bd c cdg the intersection array of For a detailed treatment and all the terms which are not de ned here see and A graph is i homogeneous when the distance partition corresponding to any pair of vertices at distance i is equitable see Nomura A graph of diameter d is antipodal if the vertices at distance d from a given vertex are all at distance d from each other Then being at distance d or zero induces an equivalence relation on the vertices of and the equivalence classes are called antipodal classes For an antipodal graph we de ne the antipodal quotient of to be the graph with the antipodal classes as vertices where two classes are adjacent if they contain adjacent vertices Tight graphs We show that strongly regular graphs with diameter two are a special kind of extremal graphs From this one can quickly derive an inequality for distance regular graphs see At the end of this section we prove that in the nonbipartite diameter three case this inequality holds with equality precisely for Taylor graphs A graph is called strongly regular with parameters k if and only if its adjacency matrix A satis es the relations A kI A J I A and AJ kJ for some integers k and where I is the identity matrix and J is the all ones matrix i e when is k regular and has at most three eigenvalues Let X R be a distance regular graph with diameter two Then it is a connected strongly regular graph with and three distinct eigenvalues k r s Eigenvectors of r and s are chosen to be orthogonal to the all ones vector corresponding to the eigenvalue k Therefore r and s are the roots of the quadratic equation x x k and thus r s k rs The above relations show that the parameters k of the strongly regular graph can be expressed in terms of the eigenvalues k r s of By counting the edges between the neighbours and non neighbours of a vertex of we obtain jXj k k k and by and jXj k r k s k rs We show that the right side of the equality is an upper bound on the number of vertices of a k regular graph with the eigenvalues other then k from the interval s r Theorem Let denote a k regular graph on n vertices with eigenvalues k n not necessarily distinct Let r and s be such numbers that r i s for i n Then n k rs k r k s Equality holds if and only if is strongly regular with eigenvalues in fk r sg Proof The trace of the adjacency matrix A of equals the sum of its eigenvalues and is zero The trace of A equals the sum of squares of eigenvalues and is nk i e the number of walks of length two which start and end in the same vertex Summing the inequalities i r i s for i n and using the above two facts we obtain the desired inequality where equality holds if and only if i fr sg for i n It follows that in the case of equality the graph has at most three eigenvalues namely k s and r and is therefore strongly regular We apply this result to distance regular graphs Let X R be a distance regular graph with diameter d and eigenvalues k d For a vertex x X let i x denote the set of vertices at distance i from x and for a vertex y X let Di j x y i x j y The graph induced on the vertices i x is called the i th subconstituent graph of x It is an ai regular graph on ki vertices The rst subconstituent graph of x will be also called the local graph of x and will be denoted by x Let x y denote the distance between the vertices x and y Then for x y the graph induced on D x y is called the x y graph or just the graph For d an easy eigenvalue interlacing argument guarantees and d p so we can de ne b b and b b d Suppose the graph is nonbipartite with diameter d and let a k be the eigenvalues of the local graph x Then by Terwilliger s result Thm and Thm b i b for i d and therefore by Theorem we have k a b b a b a b Equality holds in if and
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