Interactive comment on “ Variability in snow cover phenology in China from 1952 to 2010 ” by C . Q

cheng kou,xiujun liu,haiyang xie,x c li,c q ke
Abstract:L18-19: “the AO has the maximum impact” not the “AO index”. An index has no impact, it is the process behind the index. 2.2 Methods: There is no validation of the gridding procedure applied to to your SCD, SCOD and SCED data (Fig. 2, 4 and 7). Please provide some results on how good the procedure works (e.g. by doing some kind of cross-validation). 3.1.2: L13-15: Is there an explanation on why the winter on the Tibetan Plateau is so scare of snow? My first guess is, that it is too cold and dry in order to produce enough snow. Can this be shown in your data? 3.1.2: L24: you speak of a nation-wide “snowstorm”. Do you mean one event or an annual anomaly here? Please be precise here. Normally the word “snowstorm” is used for one certain event of a few days length. Fig. 5 and elsewhere in text: you use the terms advanced and postponed. Wouldn’t it be better to used “earlier” and “later” everywhere? Especially “advanced” is a strange word to be used here in my view. Section 4.2: In my view you could omit one of the analyses with MAT or TBZD. The two seem to have the same effect. I would shorten 4.2 to one sentence at the end of section 4.1. Very similar results are found for MAT. An additional table with the length of measurements for the different stations and probably a figure with the distribution of the lengths of the snow series would be very helpful in my view. C1589 The colour tables you use in Fig. 4 and 5 are not optimal and not intuitive. Fig. 4: I suggest to use a scale that goes from green or brown to blue. Blue is often associated with lots of snow, brown and green with no snow. Fig. 5: Panel a: positive trends should be blue, negative ones red. Panel c: earlier should be red, later blue. Panel d: Use blue for positive correlation. Use earlier instead of advanced in Fig. 5 and text everywhere! Use consistent panel labelling in all Figs., i.e. top left a, top left b etc. . .(as in Fig. 6) or left column down (a,b,c) as in Fig. 5. Do not mix them as in the current version. The data in Fig. 6f looks very suspicious. Can you explain the strong changes in variability when comparing the 1962-1985 period with the one after 1985? (station relocation, other inhomogeneity?) MINOR COMMENTS P 4473 L9: Decreases in snow pack have also been found for the European Alps in the last 20 years of the 20th century (e.g. Scherrer et al. (2004)). But: very long series of snow pack suggest large decadal variability and overall weak long term trends only (cf. Scherrer et al., 2013). P 4474 L23: Another study confirming the large influence of large scale atmospheric circulation: Scherrer and Appenzeller (2006). P 4476 L14: change to “to identify possible breakpoints” P 4477 L19: change to “of climate series” P 4478 L 19: explain what you mean with annual periodicity and no annual periodicity P 4480 L10-11: You could also add Scherrer et al. (2004) here. Fig. 3: Can you give numbers for the seasons winter, Autumn and spring also. Please put a box around the legend or place it outside the figure.
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