Apoptosis of primary osteoblasts induced by dexamethasone : cellular and molecular mechanisms

Nirong Bao,Jianning Zhao,Yurong Wang,Sujia Wu,Xiaofeng Zeng,Junhua Wang
Abstract:Amaç: Glikokortikoidlerin osteoblast hücrelerinin canl›l›¤› üzerine etkisi incelendi ve osteoblast apopitozu sürecinde hücresel ve moleküler mekanizmalardaki rolü araflt›r›ld›. Gereç ve yöntem: Deksametazon, yenido¤an farelerin kranyal kemiklerinden elde edilen primer kültürde üretilen osteoblast-benzeri hücrelerde apopitoz oluflturmak amac›yla kullan›ld›. Osteoblastlar›n canl› kalma ve apopitoz oranlar›, caspase-3 etkinli¤i ve nükleer faktör-kappa B’nin DNA ba¤lanma aktivitesi MTT-boya redüksiyonu mikrotesti, ak›m sitometrisi, kolorimetrik substrat testi ve elektroforetik mobilite flift testi ile ölçüldü. Deksametazonun hücrelere etkisindeki farkl›l›klar› de¤erlendirmek amac›yla osteoblast ve fibroblastlar›n canl› kalma oranlar› karfl›laflt›r›ld›. Bulgular: Deksametazonun, yo¤unluk ve zamana ba¤l› olarak, apopitoz sürecinde osteoblast-benzeri hücrelerin canl› kalma oran›n› anlaml› derecede düflürdü¤ü, hücresel caspase-3 aktivasyonunu art›rd›¤› ve nükleer faktörkappa B etkinli¤ini bask›lad›¤› gözlendi (p<0.05). Buna karfl›n, deksametazonun fibroblastlarda apopitotik etki oluflturmad›¤› görüldü. Sonuç: Bulgular›m›z, deksametazonun caspase-3 üzerinden transforme olmam›fl primer osteoblast kültüründe apopitoza neden oldu¤unu, buna karfl›n nükleer faktörkappa B’nin caspase-3’ü bask›layarak bunu önleyebildi¤ini göstermektedir. Anahtar sözcükler: Apopitoz/ilaç etkisi; kemik yo¤unlu¤u/ilaç etkisi; kemik ili¤i hücresi/ilaç etkisi; glukokortikoid/yan etki; NFkappa B/metabolizma; fare; osteoblast/metabolizma/ilaç etkisi. Objectives: We investigated the effect of glucocorticoids on cell viability of osteoblasts and explored the cytological and molecular mechanisms of osteoblast apoptosis induced by glucocorticoids. Materials and methods: Dexamethasone was used to induce apoptosis of primary cultured osteoblast-like cells from skulls of suckling mouse. Surviving rate of osteoblasts, apoptosis rate, activity of caspase-3, and DNA binding activity of nuclear factor-kappa B were assessed using MTT-dye reduction microassay, flow cytometry, colorimetric substrate assay and electrophoretic mobility shift assay. The surviving rates of osteoblasts and fibroblasts were also compared to assess the differences in dexamethasone-induced effects on cells. Results: Dexamethasone significantly decreased the survival rate of osteoblast-like cells through an apoptotic process, activated cellular caspase-3, and inhibited the activity of nuclear factor-kappa B, in a concentrationand time-dependent manner (p<0.05). However, dexamethasone did not exert any apoptotic effect on fibroblasts. Conclusion: The results suggest that dexamethasone induces apoptosis of primarily cultured and non-transformed osteoblasts, which is caspase-3 dependent, while nuclear factor-kappa B may play a protective role through inhibition of caspase-3.
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