N ov 2 01 3 Entanglement-based quantum key distribution with biased basis choice via free space

Yuan Cao,Hao Liang,Juan Yin,Hai-Lin Yong,Fei Zhou,Yu-Ping,Wu,Ji-Gang Ren,Yu-Huai Li,Ge-Sheng Pan,Tao Yang,Xiongfeng Ma,Cheng-Zhi Peng,Jian-Wei Pan
Abstract:We report a free-space entanglement-based quantum key distribution experiment, implementing the biased basis proto c l between two sites which are 15 .3 km apart. Photon pairs from a polarization-entangled source are distributed through two 7.8-km free-space optic al l nks. An optimal bias 20:80 between the X andZ basis is used. A post-processing scheme with finite-key analysis is applied to extract the fina l secure key. After three-hour continuous operation at night, a 4293-bit secure key is obtained, with a final key rate of 0.124 bit per raw key bit whic h ncreases the final key rate by 14 .8% comparing to the standard BB84 case. Our results experimentally demonstrate that the efficient BB84 protocol, which increases key generation efficiency by biasing Alice and Bob ’s basis choices, is potentially useful for the ground-satellite qu antum communication. © 2019 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (270.0270) Quantum optics; (270.5565) Quantum communicat ions; (270.5585) Quantum information and processing. References and links 1. C. H. Bennett, and G. Brassard, “Quantum Cryptography: Pu blic Key Distribution and Coin Tossing,” inProceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computers, Systems and Signal Processing, New York, 175 (1985). 2. C. H. Bennett, “Quantum cryptography using any two nonort hogonal states,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 3121–3124 (1992). 3. A. K. Ekert, “Quantum cryptography based on Bell’s theore m,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 661–663 (1991). 4. C. H. Bennett, G. Brassard, and N. D. Mermin, “Quantum cryp tography without Bell’s theorem,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 557–559 (1992). 5. C. H. Bennett, F. 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