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Nick Watts,W. Neil Adger,Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson,Yuqi Bai,Peter Byass,Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum,Tim Colbourn,Peter Cox,Michael Davies,Michael Depledge,Anneliese Depoux,Paula Dominguez,Paul Drummond,Paul Ekins,Antoine Flahault,Hilary Graham,Andy Haines,Anne Johnson,Ilan Kelman,Sari Kovats,Lu Liang,Melissa Lott,Robert Lowe,Yong Luo,Georgina Mace,Mark Maslin,Karyn Morrissey,Kris Murray,Tara Neville,Maria Nilsson,Christine Parthemore,David Pencheon,Elizabeth Robinson,Stefanie Schütte,Paolo Vineis,Paul Wilkinson,Nicola Wheeler,Bing Xu,Jun Yang,Yongyuan Yin,Chaoqing Yu,Peng Gong,Hugh Montgomery,Anthony Costello
Abstract:14 The Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change is an international, multi15 disciplinary research collaboration between academic institutions and practitioners across the world. 16 It follows on from the work of the 2015 Lancet Commission, which concluded that the response to 17 climate change could be “the greatest global health opportunity of the 21st century”. 18 The Lancet Countdown aims to track the health effects of climate change; health resilience and 19 adaptation; health co-benefits of mitigation; climate finance and economics; and political and 20 broader engagement. These focus areas form the five thematic working groups of the Lancet 21 Countdown and represent different aspects of the complex relationships between health and 22 climate change. These thematic groups will provide indicators for a global overview of health and 23 climate change; national case studies highlighting countries leading the way or going against the 24 trend; and engagement with a range of stakeholders. 25 The Lancet Countdown ultimately aims to report annually on a series of indicators across these five 26 working groups. This paper outlines these potential indicators and indicator domains to be tracked 27 by the collaboration, with suggestions on the methodologies, and data sets available to achieve this 28 end. The proposed indicator domains require further refinement, and mark the beginning of an 29 ongoing consultation process – from November 2016 to early 2017 – to develop these domains, 30 identify key areas not currently covered, and change indicators where necessary. It will actively seek 31 to engage with existing monitoring processes, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and 32 the World Health Organization’s Climate and Health Country Profiles. Additionally, the indicators will 33 evolve throughout their lifetime through ongoing collaboration with experts and a range of 34 stakeholders, and dependent on the emergence of new evidence and knowledge. During the course 35 of its work, the Lancet Countdown will adopt a collaborative and iterative process, which aims to 36 complement existing initiatives, welcome engagement with new partners, and be open to 37 developing new research projects on health and climate change. 38
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