SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Adhesive Loose Packing of Small Dry Particles

Wenwei Liu,Shuiqing Li,Adrian Baule,Hernán A. Makse
Abstract:Here, we provide details on the simulation techniques used in our paper. Section I gives the computational details of a novel discrete-element method for small particles, based on an adhesive contact model (JKR theory). We denote this model as Adhesive DEM. The detailed simulation results, by considering different deposition velocities and particle sizes, are provided in Section II. A newly-developed adhesive DEM approach is used in which the translational and rotational motions of all particles are evolved using the linear and angular momentum equations (see computational details in [1, 2]) , , (S1) A F dt d m F F v   A F dt d I M M Ω   where and are, respectively, velocity and rotation rate of an individual particle, is the particle v Ω m mass, and is the moment of inertia. In a vacuum system, the fluid forces and torques   2 2 / 5 p I mr  acting on the particle, and , are ignored. denotes the collision and the van der Waals F F F M A F adhesion forces in the equation for translational motion. Meanwhile, in the equation for rotational motion, denotes the sum of the collision and van der Waals adhesion torques on the particle. They A M include, (S2) () () A n s s A i s s r s t F F r F M M        n t n t t n n F M where is the normal adhesively elastic contact force, is the tangential force due to the sliding n F s F friction, is the rolling resistance and is the twisting resistance. is the particle radius. , r M t M i r n s t Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Soft Matter.
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