Transient Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow Using Trajectory Sens it ivit

LIU Ming-bo,LI Yan-hong
Abstract:Transient stability constr ained optimal pow er flow ( TSC-OPF ) pr oblem is div ided into tw o subproblems, w hich are optimal pow er flow ( OPF) and transient stability cont rol. T ra jecto ry sensitiv ities of bo th velo cities and ro to r angles of g enerato rs with r espect to their mechanica l input pow er a re calcula ted acco rding to the results o f transient stability simula tion. Shifting activ e pow er betw een the most critical machine and the least critical one to r egain transient stability is obtained acco rding to tr ajecto ry sensitiv ities, based on which upper and lowe r activ e pow er limits o f g ener ato rs in O PF model ar e modified and thus OPF problem and transient stability contro l can be per formed itera tiv ely. Accura te expr essions o f tra jecto ry sensitivities and their initial va lues have been deriv ed instead o f using appro ximate ones by w hich sma ller shifting activ e pow er can be obtained and thus a more optimal opera tion point o f powe r system can be giv en. A biggest ro tor ang le criterion under the center o f inertia refer ence frame is used to dete rmine critical o rder of g enerato rs. Fur the rmo re, results obtained from 3-machine 9-bus system and 10-machine 39-bus system valida te th e pr oposed method.
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