Topic proposal the mapping class group and the moduli space of riemann surfaces

Abstract:Closed surfaces are completely classified by Euler characteristic. The next natural step is to study maps between surfaces. Two important classes of maps to be studied are homeomorphisms and finite covers. The mapping class group Mod(Sg) of a surface Sg of genus g is defined to be the group of (orientationpreserving) self-homeomorphisms on S up to isotopy. For S1 = the torus, Mod(S1) is just the classical modular group SL(2,Z), which we can study using linear algebra. Remarkably, many familiar propeties of SL(2,Z) that are proved using linear algebra have natural analogs on Mod(Sg) for higher genus g. In fact, many results about SL(2,Z) are actually special cases of general ones about Mod(Sg). The following table highlights just a few examples. In this topic proposal, I will explain the proofs for most of the results listed in the right column of the table below. Both the statements and the ideas in the proofs should be reminiscent of the classical genus 1 case.
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