Heterodinuclear Cu ( II ) – Fe ( II ) Com plexes Bridged by N , N ′-Oxamidobis ( propionato ) cuprate ( II ) by

Y.-T. Li,C.-W. Yan,X.-C. Zeng
Abstract:Six new cop per(II)–iron(II) heterodinuclear com plexes bridged by dianions of N,N′oxa mi dobis(propionato)cuprate [Cu(obp)] and end-capped with 2,2′-bipyridine (bpy), 1,10-phenanthroline (phen), 5-nitro-1,10-phenanthroline (NO 2-phen), 5-chloro1,10-phe nanthroline (Cl-phen), 5-bromo-1,10-phenanthroline (Br-phen) or 5-methyl-1,10phenanth roline (Me-phen); namely [Cu(obp)FeL2] (L = bpy, phen, NO 2-phen, Cl-phen, Br-phen, Me-phen), have been syn the sized and char ac ter ized. Based on the el e men tal anal y ses, mag netic mo ments (at room tem per a ture) and mo lar con duc tiv ity mea sure ments, and spec tro scopic stud ies, ex tended oxamido-bridged struc tures con sist ing of a cop per(II) ion and an iron(II) ion, which have a square-planar en vi ron ment and an oc ta he dral en vi ron ment, re spec tively, are pro posed. The Cu(obp)Fe(bpy)2 (1) and Cu(obp)Fe(phen)2 (2) com plexes have been fur ther char ac ter ized by vari able tem per a ture mag netic sus cep ti bil ity (4.2~300 K) and the ob served data were least-squares fit ted to the sus cep ti bil ity equa tion de rived from the spin Hamiltonian in clud ing sin gle-ion zero-field in ter ac tion for the iron(II) ion, $ $ $ $ H 2JS S DS 1 2 Z1 2 = − ⋅ − , giv ing the ex change integ rals J = –17.9 cm for (1) and J = –18.8 cm for (2). These re sults in di cated that the spin cou pling be tween the ad ja cent cop per(II) and iron(II) ions through oxamido-bridge in both com plexes (1) and (2) is antiferromagnetic.
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