Quantitative Modal Transition Systems ( Invited Extended Abstract )

Kim G. Larsen,Axel Legay
Abstract:This extended abstract offers a brief survey presentation of the specification formalism of modal transition systems and its recent extensions to the quantitative setting of timed as well as stochastic systems. Some applications will also be briefly mentioned. 1 Modal Transition Systems: The Origines Modal transition systems [46] provids a behavioural compositional specification formalism for reactive systems. They grew out of the notion of relativized bisimulation, which allows for simple specifications of components by allowing the notion of bisimulation to take the restricted use that a given context may have in its. A modal transition system is essentially a (labelled) transition system, but with two types of transitions: so-called may transitions, that any implementation may (or may not) have, and must transitions, that any implementation must have. In fact, ordinary labelled transition systems (or implementations) are modal transition systems where the set of mayand must-transitions coincide. Modal transition systems come equipped with a bisimulation-like notion of (modal) refinement, reflecting that the more musttransitions and the fewer may-transitions a modal specification has the more refined and closer to a final implementation it is. Example 1. Consider the modal transition system shown in Figure 1 which models the requirements of a simple email system in which emails are first received and then delivered – must and may transitions are represented by solid and dashed arrows, respectively. Before delivering the email, the system may check or process the email, e.g. for enor decryption, filtering of spam emails, or generating automatic answers using as an auto-reply feature. Any implementation of this email system specification must be able to receive and deliver email, and it may also be able to check arriving email before delivering it. No other behavior is allowed. Such an implementation is given in Figure 2. Modal transition systems play a major role in various areas. However, the model is best known by its application in compositional reasoning, which has been recognized in the ARTIST Network of Excellence and several other related European projects. In fact, modal transition systems have all the ingredients of a complete compositinal N. Martí-Oliet and M. Palomino (Eds.): WADT 2012, LNCS 7841, pp. 50–58, 2013. c © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2013 Quantitative Modal Transition Systems 51
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