Clinical verification and improved design of the new traction splint for distal radius fractures

Wei Yan,Bo Kong,Tao Jiang,You-ji Jia,Xiao-bing Xi
Abstract:BACKGROUND: New traction splint is developed base on “elastic fixation” theory of traditional splint and “minimal movement” theory of promoting fracture healing, which exhibits broad application values and prospects in the treatment of distal radius fractures. OBJECTIVE: To explore the performance of the new traction splint by clinical research, and to improve its deficiencies. METHODS: Forty patients with distal radius fractures were randomly divided into trial (new traction splint) and control (plaster fixation) groups (n=20 per group). The X-ray films of the wrist joint were performed immediately, 2 and 6 weeks postoperatively to compare the fracture healing. PACS system was used to measure the height of radius, palm inclination and ulnar deviation immediately and 6 weeks postoperatively. The pain and swelling degree at 0, 3, 7 and 14 days were compared. The wrist function was assessed according to Gartland and Werley evaluation system. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) The speed of fracture healing and swelling relief in the trial group were significantly better than those in the control group (P < 0.05). (2) The curative efficacy at postoperative 6 weeks in the trial group was significantly superior to that in the control group (P < 0.05), and the curative efficacy showed no significantly between two groups at postoperative 3 months. (3) There was no significant difference in the height of radius, palm inclination and ulnar deviation after reduction and 6 weeks after fixation between two groups (P > 0.05). The change value of palm inclination in the control group was slightly superior to that in the trial group. (4) Different degrees of complications occurred in both groups, but the incidence of severe complications in the trial group was lower than that in the control group. (5) Our findings indicate that the new traction splint has obvious advantages and definite curative effect in the treatment of distal radius fracture, but there are many shortcomings. It needs to be improved in the aspects of light weight, shape, traction structure and inner lining. Subject headings: Radius Fractures; External Fixators; Tissue Engineering Funding: the Shanghai Development Office of Traditional Chinese Medicine, WEISHI Department of Traumatology, Heritage Research Base Construction Project, No. ZY3-CCCX-1-1014; the Key Project of the Medical-Engineering Cross Research Foundation of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. YG2015ZD02; the Key Scientific Research Project of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning, No. 201640021; the Research Project of Chinese Medicine of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning, No. 2016LQ021; Li feiyue National Famous TCM Expert Inheritance Studio ,No. MLZJGZS-2017001; the Shanghai Famous Old Chinese Medicine Doctor Li feiyue Academic Experience Research Studio, No. SHGZS-2017010. 0 引言 Introduction 桡骨远端骨折是指距桡骨远端关节面3 cm之内的骨折, 据统计其发病率约占急诊骨折病患的17%,且骨折涉及桡骨 远端关节面的病患占25%,由于骨质疏松的原因,桡骨远 端骨折在老年人骨折中也有较高的发病率。目前对于桡骨 远端骨折AO分型中,A型和B1型首选闭合复位石膏、夹板 外固定,对于B2、B3型和C1型可先行手法闭合复位,如复 位不满意应选择切开进行内固定。另外石膏或夹板固定等 的非手术治疗,可为病患显著减轻经济负担、精神负担以及 防止手术创伤等,在临床治疗中仍为治疗的常用方案。但 石膏透气性差,患肢易肿胀以及容易出现压疮;而夹板扎 带松紧很难把握,过紧容易出现缺血性肌痉挛,过松容易出 现骨折断端移位。因此作者准备设计一款并发症少又可促 进骨折愈合的新型桡骨远端骨折固定夹板。 新型牵引型夹板是依据传统小夹板的“弹性固定”理 论以及促进骨折愈合的“微动”理论设计研发的一款新型 夹板(图1),在夹板中加入了可以在纵向上不断拔伸牵引 的功能化模块,共有5个档位,每次牵拉一个档位可使夹板 在纵轴方向上移动4 mm(图2),这种微动对骨折愈合是有 利的,可促进血肿吸收骨膜反应性肥厚增生,骨细胞分化 提前,血管再生丰富,骨刺生长及钙化迅速,愈合时间提 前。文章通过新型牵引型夹板治疗桡骨远端骨折的临床 研究,为新型牵引型夹板的临床效果提供客观依据,同时 通过在临床使用中发现问题,针对问题提出改良设计方案。 1 对象和方法 Subjects and methods 1.1 设计 前瞻性随机对照试验。 1.2 时间及地点 于2017年9月至2018年2月在上海交通 大学医学院附属瑞金医院完成。 1.3 对象 纳入2017年9月至2018年2月在上海交通大学 医学院附属瑞金医院骨科急诊就诊的40例桡骨远端骨折患 者,且AO分型为A、B型骨折,A型17例,B型23例;其中 男14例,女26例;年龄43-79岁,平均60.95岁;致伤原因: 车祸伤3例,滑倒或高处坠落伤30例,其他伤7例;伤后就 诊时间为1-18 h,所有病例均为闭合性骨折。按照就诊时 间顺序随机分为新型牵引型夹板组和石膏管型组,每组20 例。 诊断标准:符合王亦璁编写《骨与关节损伤》中桡 骨远端骨折的诊断标准。 纳入标准:1年龄18-85岁,男女不限;2符合上述 桡骨远端骨折诊断标准者且AO分型为A、B型骨折:A1: 桡骨正常,尺骨损伤均在关节囊外;A2:桡骨关节外的单 纯压缩或嵌插骨折;A3:桡骨关节外的粉碎骨折:可以是 楔形、嵌插、复杂粉碎骨折;B1:桡骨矢状面部分关节内 骨折;B2:桡骨背侧缘部分关节内骨折,B3:桡骨掌侧缘 部分关节内骨折;3为新鲜闭合性骨折,未经其他方法 治疗者;4能积极配合医生并自愿接受随访及做相关评分 并签署知情同意书者。 排除标准:1开放性骨折者或骨折为AO分型的C型骨 折;2桡骨远端骨折手法复位不能达到功能复位者;3有 严重心脑血管疾病,不能耐受手法复位和外固定者;4腕 部皮肤发生感染、溃疡,不能耐受外固定者。 1.4 方法 1.4.1 整复方法 患者坐位,肩稍外展,患肘屈曲至90°, 颜威,孔博,蒋涛,贾友冀,奚小冰. 桡骨远端骨折新型夹板的临床验证及改良设计[J]. 中国组织工程研究,2018,22(27):4294-4299. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.0342 ISSN 2095-4344 CN 21-1581/R CODEN: ZLKHAH 4296 纳入桡骨远端骨折患者 40 例,随机分为 2组。 新型牵引型夹板组 20 例行 新型牵引型夹板固定治疗。 石膏管型组 20 例行石膏管型 固定治疗。 新型牵引型夹板组 20 例全 部进入结果分析,无脱落。 石膏管型组 20 例全部进入结 果分析,无脱落。 A B C 图 1 新型牵引型夹板 Figure 1 The new traction splint 图注:图 A 为夹板背面;B为夹板掌面;C为夹板侧面。 图 2 牵引结构 Figure 2 Traction structures 图 3 两组患者分组流程图 Figure 3 Flow chart of the patient allocation 图 4 拇指处结构 Figure 4 Structure at the thumb
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