00 09 25 2 v 2 2 5 D ec 2 00 0 χ cJ polarizations at the Fermilab Tevatron

Feng Yuan,Kuang-Ta Chao
Abstract:We propose the measurement of χcJ polarizations at high energy hadron colliders to study heavy quarkonium production mechanism. We find that the color-singlet model in the kt factorization approach predicts very different behavior for χcJ polarizations at the Fermilab Tevatron compared with the NRQCD predictions in the collinear parton model. In the color-singlet kt factorization approach, for both χc1 and χc2 productions, the helicity h = 0 states dominate over other helicity states at large pT . These properties are very useful in distinguishing between the two production mechanisms which are related to the interesting issue of Jψ and ψ′ polarizations, and may provide a crucial test for the kt factorization approach. PACS number(s): 12.40.Nn, 13.85.Ni, 14.40.Gx Typeset using REVTEX 1 Studies of heavy quarkonium production in high energy collisions provide important information on both perturbative and nonperturbative QCD. In recent years, heavy quarkonium production has attracted much attention from both theory and experiment. To explain the J/ψ and ψ surplus problem of large transverse momentum production at Tevatron [1], the color-octet production mechanism was introduced for the description of heavy quarkonium production [2] based on the NRQCD factorization framework [3]. During the last few years, extensive studies have been performed for the test of this color-octet production mechanism. However, most recently the CDF collaboration have reported their preliminary measurements on the polarizations of the promptly produced charmonium states [4], which appear not to support the color-octet predictions that the directly produced S-wave quarkonia have transverse polarizations at large pT [5,6] In [7,8], the authors considered the feeddown contributions from χc decays, and found the prompt J/ψ polarization disagree with the CDF data at large pT by 3 standard deviations. This conflict shows that the heavy quarkonium production mechanism may be more complicated than we knew before, and further studies on heavy quarkonium production mechanisms other than the color-octet mechanism in the collinear parton model are still needed at present. In [9], the authors studied χcJ hadroproduction at Tevatron in the kt factorization approach [10,11]. Their results show that only color-singlet contributions can reproduce the Tevatron data on χcJ production in the kt factorization approach, and the color-octet contributions disagree with the data. However, we note that previous studies in the collinear parton model have also given a good description for the data of χcJ production at Tevatron in the NRQCD approach including both color-singlet and color-octet contributions [13]. In this context, we have two different mechanisms, i.e., the color-singlet kt factorization approach and the NRQCD approach in the collinear parton model, of which both can successfully describe the Tevatron data on the large pT χcJ production rates. So, it is quite urgent now to distinguish between these two mechanisms for understanding heavy quarkonium production at high energy hadron colliders. For this purpose, we propose here the measurements of χcJ polarizations at the Fermilab Tevatron. From our calculations we find that the color-singlet 2 model in the kt factorization approach predicts very different behavior for χcJ polarizations compared with the NRQCD predictions in the collinear parton model. In the color-singlet kt factorization approach, for both χc1 and χc2 productions, the helicity h = 0 states dominate over other helicity states at large transverse momentum. This novel property can provide a crucial test for this production mechanism. Furthermore, the χcJ polarization measurements can help to clarify the present conflict between the color-octet predictions and the experimental data on prompt J/ψ and ψ polarizations at Tevatron. The polarized cross section formulas for χcJ hadroproduction in the NRQCD approach have been calculated in [12,13,8] (including both color-singlet and color-octet processes). In this paper, we will calculate the color-singlet χcJ polarized cross sections in the kt factorization approach. We will not include the color-octet processes in this approach, because their contributions to χcJ production disagree with the Tevatron data in shape [9]. The kt-factorization approach differs greatly from the conventional collinear approximation because it takes the non-vanishing transverse momenta of the scattering partons into account. The conventional gluon densities are replaced by the unintegrated gluon distributions which depend on the transverse momentum kt. In the calculations, for every 4-momenta ki we make a Sudakov decomposition as ki = αip1 + βip2 + ~kiT , (1) where p1 and p2 are the momenta of the incoming hadrons. In the high energy limit, we have p1 = 0, p 2 2 = 0, and 2p1 · p2 = s, where s is the c.m. energy squared. αi and βi are the momentum fractions of p1 and p2 respectively. kiT is the transverse momentum, which satisfies kiT · p1 = 0, kiT · p2 = 0. (2) For the momenta of the incident gluons q1 and q2, we have the following decompositions [11], q1 = x1p1 + q1T , q2 = x2p2 + q2T . (3) 3 That is to say, the longitudinal component of q1 (q2) is only in the direction of light-like vector p1 (p2). Using the above defined Sudakov variables, we can express the polarized cross sections for χcJ hadroproduction as the following form, dσ(pp̄→ χ (λ) cJ X) = 1 64 × 16π dαχ αχ dq1Td q2T f(x1; q 2 1T ) q 1T f(x2; q 2 2T ) q 2T |A (λ) 0 (q1T , q2T )| 2 q 1T q 2 2T , (4) where λ denotes the helicity of χcJ , and αχ is the momentum fraction of p1 carried by χcJ . The χcJ tranverse momentum pT comes from the sum of the transverse momenta of q1 and q2 as, ~pT = ~q1T +~q2T . The amplitude squared |A (λ) 0 | 2 describes χcJ (with helicity λ) production in the gluon-gluon fusion processes g + g → χ (λ) cJ . To calculate these helicity amplitudes, we need the polarization sums for individual helicity levels of χcJ . For χc1, the longitudinal and transverse polarization sums can be written in the following covariant forms ∑ λ=0 ǫ α ǫ (λ)∗ β = P L αβ, (5) ∑ |λ|=1 ǫ α ǫ (λ)∗ β = P T αβ = Pαβ − P L αβ, (6)
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