De vel op ment of geo-in for ma tion data man age ment sys tem and ap pli ca tion to geo log i cal dis posal of high-level ra dio ac tive waste in china

Peng Wang,Shutao Huang,Ju Wang,Yong Zhao,M. Gao,WU Lun,Heng Cai
Abstract:In this pa per, based on in for ma tion tech nol ogy, a geo-in for ma tion da ta base was es tab lished and a geo-in for ma tion data man age ment sys tem (named as HLW-GIS) was de vel oped to fa cil i tate data man age ment work of the multi-source and multidisciplinary data been which are gen er ated dur ing site se lec tion pro cess of geo log i cal re pos i tory in China. Many im por tant func tions, such as ba sic cre ate, re trieve, up date, and de lete op er a tions, full text search and down load func tions, can be achieved through this man age ment sys tem. Even the func tion of sta tis tics and anal y sis for cer tain pro fes sional data can be pro vided. Fi nally, a few hun dred gigabytes of data from nu mer ous dif fer ent dis ci plines were in te grated, stored, and man aged suc cess fully. Mean while, the man age ment sys tem can also pro vide a sig nif i cant ref er ence for data man age ment work of re lated re search fields, such as de com mis sion ing and man age ment of nu clear fa cil i ties, re source prospection and en vi ron men tal pro tec tion.
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