D ec 2 00 8 C hiralsusceptibility and the scalar W ard

LeiChang,Yu-xin Liu,Craig D. Roberts,m in Sun
Abstract:Thechiralsusceptibility isgiven by thescalarvacuum polarisation atzero totalm om entum .This followsdirectly from the expression forthe vacuum quark condensate so long asa nonperturbative sym m etry preserving truncation schem e is em ployed. For Q CD in-vacuum the susceptibility can rigorously bede ned viaaPauli-Villarsregularisation procedure.O wingtothescalarW ard identity, irrespectiveoftheform orAnsatz forthekernelofthegap equation,theconsistentscalarvertex at zero totalm om entum can autom atically be obtained and hence the consistent susceptibility. This enables calculation ofthe chiralsusceptibility for m arkedly di erent vertex Ansatze. For the two casesconsidered,theresultswereconsistentand them inorquantitativedi erenceseasily understood. The susceptibility can be used to dem arcate the dom ain ofcoupling strength within a theory upon which chiralsym m etry isdynam ically broken.D egeneratem asslessscalarand pseudoscalarboundstatesappearatthe criticalcoupling fordynam icalchiralsym m etry breaking.
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