UvA-DARE ( Digital Academic Repository ) Measurement of the 8 B solar neutrino flux with the KamLAND liquid scintillator detector

S. Abe,K. Furuno,A. Gando,Y. Gando,K. Ichimura,H. Ikeda,K. Inoue,Y. Kibe,W. Kimura,Y. Kishimoto,M. Koga,Y. Minekawa,T. Mitsui,T. Morikawa,N. Nagai,K. Nakajima,K. Nakamura,M. Nakamura,K. Narita,I. Shimizu,Y. Shimizu,J. Shirai,F. Suekane,A. Suzuki,H. Takahashi,N. Takahashi,Y. Takemoto,K. Tamae,H. Watanabe,B. D. Xu,H. Yabumoto,E. Yonezawa,H. Yoshida,S. Yoshida,S. Enomoto,A. Kozlov,H. Murayama,C. Grant,G. Keefer,D. McKee,A. Piepke,T. I. Banks,T. Bloxham,J. A. Detwiler,S. J. Freedman,B. K. Fujikawa,K. Han,R. Kadel,T. O’Donnell,H. M. Steiner,L. A. Winslow,D. A. Dwyer,C. Mauger,R. D. McKeown,C. Zhang,B. E. Berger,C. E. Lane,J. Maricic,T. Miletic,M. Batygov,J. G. Learned,S. Matsuno,S. Pakvasa,M. Sakai,G. A. Horton-Smith,A. Tang,K. E. Downum,G. Gratta,K. Tolich,Y. Efremenko,Y. Kamyshkov,O. Perevozchikov,H. J. Karwowski,D. M. Markoff,W. Tornow,K. M. Heeger,F. Piquemal,J.-S. Ricol,M. P. Decowski
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