Mathematische Annalen Algebraic determination of isomorphism classes of the moduli algebras of Ẽ 6 singularities

Hao Chen,Craig Seeley,Stephen S.-T. Yau
Abstract:A moduli algebraA(V ) of an isolated hypersurface singularity (V ,0) = {(z0, . . . , zn) : f (z0, . . . , zn) = 0} ⊆ Cn+1 is a finite dimensional C-algebra C{z0, . . . , zn}(f, ∂f ∂z0 , . . . , ∂f ∂zn ). In [2], Mather and Yau proved that two germs of complex analytic hypersurfaces of the same dimension with isolated singularities are biholomorphically equivalent if a nd only if their moduli algebras are isomorphic. This means that we should be able to determine the singularity by means of studying its corresponding commutative Artinian local algebra. In his paper [3], Saito computed j -invariants for the singularities̃ E6, Ẽ7, andẼ8. Each of these is determined by the elliptic curve which occurs as exceptinal divisor in the minimal resolution of the singularity. Seeley andYau [4] studied certain Lie algebras as sociated with the moduli algebras of Ẽ7 andẼ8 singularities. They defined a nilpotent Lie algebra Nt for each of these singularities and showed that Ns ∼= Nt if and only if the singularityVs is analytically equivalent to the Vt . They did this without reference to the resolution of the singularity, in fact even to the singularity itself. In this way, they were able to algebraically produce a modulus which was, up to a fractional linear transformation, equal to Saito’s j -invariant. The caseẼ6 is different in that the nilpotent Lie algebra Nt is independent of the parameter t [5]. Thus we have the following challenging problem for algebraist: Find the modulus of the one parameter family of commutative Artinian local algebras arising from̃E6 singularities without reference to the singularities. The H. Chen∗ Department of Mathematics, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510275 People’s Republic of China
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