T he clustering ofbarred galaxies in the localU niverse

Cheng Li,Dim itriA. Gadotti,ShudeM ao,GuinevereKau m ann
Abstract:A B ST R A C T W estudy theclusteringpropertiesofbarred galaxiesusingdatafrom theSloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS).W e com pute projected redshift-spacetwo-pointcross-correlation functions wp(rp) for a sam ple ofnearly 1000 galaxies for which we have perform ed detailed structuraldecom positionsusingthem ethodsdescribed in G adotti(2009).The sam pleincludes286barred galaxies.Theclusteringofbarred and unbarred galaxiesof sim ilarstellarm assisindistinguishableoverallthescalesprobed ( 20 kpc{30 M pc). Thisresultalso holdseven ifthe sam pleisrestricted to barswith bluerg icolours (and hence younger ages).O ur result also does not change ifwe split our sam ple ofbarred galaxiesaccording to bar-to-totallum inosity ratio,bar boxyness,e ective surface brightness,length,orthe shape ofthe surface density pro le within the bar. There isa hintthatred,ellipticalbarsare m orestrongly clustered than red and less ellipticalbars,on scales & 1 M pc,although the statisticalsigni cance is not high. W e conclude thatthere isno signi cantevidence thatbarsare a productofm ergers orinteractions.W e tentatively interpretthe strongerclustering ofthe m ore elliptical barsasevidencethatthey arelocated in oldergalaxies,which residein m orem assive haloes.
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