Identifying Paleoflood Deposits Archived in Sanfangwan Site , the Tianmen of the Jianghan Plain , Central China

Li Wu,Cheng Zhu
Abstract:Paleoflood study was carried out in the Sanfangwan Neolithic Site in the Tianmen of the Jianghan Plain. Two layers of paleoflood deposit were identified in the Holocene archaeological sequence of Sanfangwan Site. Chronology of the flood event was established by AMS14C dating, checked by archaeological remains retrieved from the sequence. The result shows that paleoflood event occurred between 4913~4600 cal. a BP (i.e. middle and late Qujialing cultural period). Both the sedimentary criteria and the analytical results show that this paleoflood deposit may be sourced from suspended sediments of floodwater of Hanjiang River. It indicates that the initial purpose of the Shijiahe city wall construction in Sanfangwan Site may also be close related to the threat of Hanjiang River floods. We cannot simply consider this construction was a passive defense against foreign invasion.
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