Characteristics and sources of nitrous acid in an urban atmosphere of northern China : 1 Results from 1-yr continuous observations 2

Dandan Li,Likun Xue,Liang Wen,Xinfeng Wang,Tianshu Chen,Abdelwahid,Mellouki,Jianmin Chen,Wenxing Wang
Abstract:12 Nitrous acid (HONO) is a key reservoir of the hydro xyl radical (OH) and plays a central 13 role in the atmospheric chemistry. To understand th e sources and impact of HONO in the 14 polluted atmosphere of northern China, continuous m easurements of HONO and related 15 parameters were conducted from September 2015 to Au gust 2016 at an urban site in Ji’nan, 16 the capital city of Shandong province. HONO showed well-defined seasonal and diurnal 17 variation patterns with clear wintertime and nightt ime concentration peaks. Elevated HONO 18 concentrations (e.g., over 5 ppbv) were frequently observed with a maximum value of 8.36 19 ppbv. The HONO/NOX ratios of direct vehicle emissions varied in the r ange of 0.29%-0.87%, 20 with a mean value of 0.53%. An average NO 2-to-HONO nighttime conversion frequency ( khet) 21 was derived to be 0.0068 ±0.0045 h from 107 HONO formation cases. A detailed HONO 22 budget analysis suggests an unexplained daytime mis sing ource of 2.95 ppb h -1 in summer, 23 which is about seven times larger than the homogene ous reaction of NO with OH. The effect 24 of HONO on OH production was also quantified. HONO photolysis was the uppermost 25 source of local OH radical throughout the daytime. This study provides the year-round 26 M AN US CR IP T AC CE PT ED ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 2 continuous record of ambient HONO in the North Chin a Plain, and offers some insights into 27 the characteristics, sources and impacts of HONO in the polluted atmospheres of China. 28
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