Domain Decomposition Survey 143 Methods for Partial Diierential Equationsddm Preconditioner for 4th Order Problems by Using B- Spline Nite Element Method', in Fourth Int. Symp. on Domain Decomposition Methods for Partial Diierential Equationsiterative Substructuring Methods: Algorithms and Theory fo

R Glowinski,G H Golub,G A Meurant,J P Eriaux,Pa O B Widlund,J Chung,G R Karr,F Chan,D E Keyes,J S Scroggs,R G Voigt,Pa J Philadelphia,X.-C Xu,Cai,T F Chan,T P Mathew,Y A Kuznetsov,O Widlund,Pa W P Tang,C H Tong,C C J Kuo,Pa A Pothen,H Simon,D Gottlieb,M Y Hussaini,D P O 'leary,O B Widlund,W D Gropp,P Le Tallec,Y.-H De Roeck,M Vidrascu,R Glowinski,D E Chan,G A Keyes,J S Meurant,R G Scroggs,Pa W Voigt,D Gropp,Keyes,H Kaper,M Garbey,Diierential Equations,Tony F Chan,David E Keyes,G Erard A Meurant,Jeerey S Scroggs,Robert G Voigt,Pa,K.-H Hoomann,J Zou,S A Finogenov,G A Meu,M Schultz,Ed,R W Freund,Pa F Gastaldi,A Quarteroni,G Sacchi-Landriani,Pa R Glowinski,Siam Philadelphia,W Kinton,M F Wheeler,T Chan,Pa M Dryja,M Dryja,B F Smith,Siam J Sci,Comput,T P Chan,Mathew,L C Cowsar,Pa L C Cowsar,J Mandel,Siam,Philadel-Phia,Pa C Dawson,Q Du,T F Dupont,Y Kuznetsov,G Meurant,Pa B Despres,Pa R C Y Chin,G W Hedstrom,J R Mcgraw,J H Bramble,J Xu,R E Ewing,J E Pasciak,A H Schatz,R R Parashkevov,J Wang,Berlin B L Buzbee,F Dorr,J George,I Babu,A Craig,J Pitkk,Pa P E Bjjrstad,P E Bjjrstad,J.-F Bourgat,Pa J H Bramble,Patrick Ciarlet,Max Dryja,Patrick Le Tallec,Barry Smith,Olof Widlund,Jinchao Xu,Jun Zou
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