The Multiple Periodic Structure Antenna Design

Z. L. Ma,L. J. Jiang,S. Gupta,W. E. I. Sha
Abstract:In this paper, the generalized analysis and novel application of the multiple pe- riodic (MP) structure are proposed. Both transmission and radiation performances of one di- mensional MP structures are studied. The dispersion relations are analyzed from both layered media (distributive) and lumped circuits aspects. Regarding each aspect, both non-dispersive (conventional) and dispersive (composite right/left-handed (CRLH)) materials are discussed. It is found that with the increase of the periodicity, multiple stopbands are open up due to the re- ∞ections. Meanwhile the space harmonic modes' separation distance is reduced in the dispersion diagrams. It leads to simultaneously dualistic (right- and left-handed) radiation performance and multi-beam property, and more abundant radiation modes are excited at relatively lower frequencies comparing with conventional periodic structures. A general dispersion relation for- mula and a general Bragg condition for MP structures are derived. The dispersion relation is simply described by the former, and the latter helps to indicate the stopbands locations and engineer the dispersion relation consequently. Applications of MP structures to phase reversal (PR) antennas are also presented in this paper. They experimentally verifles both transmission and radiation characteristics of MP structures. In each analysis, single (SP), double (DP) and triple periodic (TP) structures are presented and compared. This work would also contribute to designs of multi-band devices. structures. In this paper, we generalize the multiple periodically (MP) loaded structure analysis. Unifled characterization of both transmission and radiation performances for both non-dispersive (conven- tional) and dispersive (CRLH) MP structures are presented. This work aims to explore the general property variations due to increasing periodicities that could be arbitrary (multiple). MP phase reversal (PR) antennas are presented in this paper as one application of the proposed concept. The transmission and radiation properties are examined. It is found that MP PR antennas support simultaneous forward and backward radiations and multiple radiation beams. We know that the indoor wireless link has some intrinsic efiects would afiect the link quality, such as multipath and mutual interference efiect. One efiective solution from physical layer perspective for it is to adopt multi-beam directional antenna. Therefore, the MP PR antenna can be a candidate for indoor wireless system or other multi-beam required applications. On the other hand, this work reveals the increasing number of stopbands and passbands. Therefore it also gives a strong support for various multi-band component designs. 2. THEORY
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