VERITAS γ-Ray Observations of 1 ES 2344 + 514 1 Very-High-Energy γ-Ray Observations of the Blazar 1 ES 2344 + 514 with VERITAS

C. Allen,S. Archambault,A. Archer,W. Benbow,R. Bird,E. Bourbeau,R. Brose,M. Buchovecky,J. H. Buckley,V. Bugaev,J. V Cardenzana,M. Cerruti,X. Chen,J. L. Christiansen,M. P. Connolly,W. Cui,M. K. Daniel,J. D. Eisch,A. Falcone,Q. Feng,M. Fernandez-Alonso,J. P. Finley,H. Fleischhack,A. Flinders,L. Fortson,A. Furniss,G. H. Gillanders,S. Griffin,J. Grube,M. Hütten,N. H̊akansson,D. Hanna,O. Hervet,J. Holder,G. Hughes,T. B. Humensky,C. A. Johnson,P. Kaaret,P. Kar,N. Kelley-Hoskins,M. Kertzman,D. Kieda,M. Krause,F. Krennrich,S. Kumar,M. J. Lang,G. Maier,S. McArthur,A. McCann,K. Meagher,P. Moriarty,R. Mukherjee,T. Nguyen,D. Nieto,S. O’Brien,A. O’Faoláin de Bhróithe,R. A. Ong,A. N. Otte,N. Park,A. Petrashyk,A. Pichel,M. Pohl,A. Popkow,E. Pueschel,J. Quinn,K. Ragan,P. T. Reynolds,G. T. Richards,E. Roache,A. C. Rovero,C. Rulten,I. Sadeh,M. Santander,G. H. Sembroski,K. Shahinyan,I. Telezhinsky,J. V. Tucci,J. Tyler,S. P. Wakely,A. Weinstein,A. Wilhelm,D. A. Williams
Abstract:We present very-high-energy γ-ray observations of the BL Lac object 1ES 2344+514 taken by the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS) between 2007 and 2015. 1ES 2344+514 is detected with a statistical significance above background of 20.8σ in 47.2 hours (livetime) of observations, making this the most comprehensive very-high-energy study of 1ES 2344+514 to date. Using these observations the temporal properties of 1ES 2344+514 are studied on short and long times scales. We fit a constant flux model to nightlyand seasonally-binned light curves and apply a fractional variability test, to determine the stability of the source on different timescales. We reject the constant-flux model for the 2007-2008 and 20142015 nightly-binned light curves and for the long-term seasonally-binned light curve at the > 3σ level. The spectra of the time-averaged emission before and after correction for attenuation by the extragalactic background light are obtained. The observed time-averaged spectrum above 200 GeV is satisfactorily fitted (χ/NDF = 7.89/6) by a power-law function with index Γ = 2.46 ± 0.06stat ± 0.20sys and extends to at least 8 TeV. The extragalactic-background-light-deabsorbed spectrum is adequately fit (χ/NDF = 6.73/6) by a power-law function with index Γ = 2.15± 0.06stat ± 0.20sys while an F-test indicates that the power-law with exponential cutoff function provides a marginally-better fit (χ/NDF = 2.56/5) at the 2.1σ level. The source location is found to be consistent with the published radio location and its spatial extent is consistent with a point source.
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