Flux pinning study of otic niobium material *

Shu Chen,Jiankui Hao,Shengwen Quan,Lin Lin,Kexin Liu
Abstract:The performance of superconducting cavities is influenced by the trapped flux during the cooling down through critical temperature, especially for nitrogen doped cavities which are more sensitive to flux trapping. We have investigated the flux trapping of OTIC niobium samples with different grain size. Samples were prepared and heat treated at 800 °C and 900 °C, followed with different surface removal by BCP. A series of measurements, including MPMS, TOF-SIMS, were carried out on the niobium samples. The results and analysis will be presented. INTRODUCTION Intrinsic quality factor Q0 is one of the most important parameters of superconducting cavities. High quality factor can reduce the cryogenic load of superconducting cavity and reduce the considerable costs for the cryogenics. In 2012, FNAL colleagues discovered very high Q values on single cell cavities treated with nitrogen in high temperature furnace, which is called N-doping recipe [1] and discovered that “light doping” improves quench field while maintaining the benefit of high Q. Cornell colleagues found that “heavy doping”, which needs longer nitrogen atmosphere and more EP removal, is effective to improve the performance of superconducting cavities. In 20142015, N-doping recipe was adopted as the baseline cavity surface processing protocol for LCLS-II [2]. It was reported that some superconducting cavities treated with 800 °C nitrogen doping recipe did not meet the spec of LCLS-II(2.7×1010 in 5mG field) [3]. To solve this problem, 900°C modified recipe was tried on material. Some material (ASTM<7.0) changed better, and met the high quality factor requirement. But some material (ASTM>7.0) did not change as much. After treated at 950°C and 970 °C, the material eventually can be used [3]. The difference in performance with different materials is caused by trapping magnetic flux. Flux expulsion behavior of cavities seems to be a great deal in different materials, even in batches from a single vendor. To investigate the problem, flux pinning study on OTIC niobium samples of different grain size and other vendor’s niobium samples were carried out at Peking University. Q0 degradation by trapped flux can be considered as a three-step process [5]: 1.the cavity is cooled in external environment magnetic field Bext. 2.some of the Bext is trapped in cavity surface, called Btrap. 3.the Btrap introduces the residual resistance Rres, and increases the surface resistance Rs. So the quality factor of cavity is reduced. We focus on the second step, how much Bext is trapped in the material. Some researches [3, 4] show that different niobium material has different flux expulsion behavior, and the flux expulsion behavior changes a lot after different temperature heat treatment. Btrap is the key factor to superconducting cavities whether N-doping works or not. We used the MPMS (Magnetic Property Measurement System) to measure the flux trapping in different samples, which can be helpful to understand the variability between the different materials and different treatments. PREPARATION AND TREATMENTS OF NIOBIUM SAMPLES Preparation of Different Kind of Niobium Samples Two fine grain niobium strips from different vendors were used for the investigation. One niobium strip has grain size ASTM 4.5-5.0 and hardness HV49.8. Another niobium strip has the same grain size ASTM 4.5-5.0. And a large grain niobium strip was taken into account. All samples are listed in Table 1. Small samples were cut out from these niobium strips by wire electric discharge machining. Then they were etched by BCP (1:1:2) with the depth of about 250μm, to remove the mechanical damage layer. We use pure water to rinse the samples and clean the surface sufficiently in case of remaining acid from BCP process. After pure water (ρ>2MΩ-cm) rinsing, the samples were moved to clean room, rinsed by ultrapure water (ρ>18MΩ-cm) again, followed by drying and annealing at 800°C for 3 hours. The vacuum of the furnace is 10-4 Pa. The samples were put on niobium sheets that had been BCP treated to prevent pollution, see Figure 1. The whole heating process was divided into 7 stages as follow. • The pressure in the furnace was pumped to 1.2×10-4Pa • Heating from room temperature to 500 °C in 30 minutes. • Maintaining at 500 °C for 60 min • Heating from 500 °C to 800°C in 30 minutes. • Maintaining at 800 °C for 180 min • Cooling down in vacuum. • When temperature down to 60 °C, open the furnace. The maintaining at 500 °C and 800 °C helps to degas the impurity in the niobium material. At the end, all samples were etched 40 μm by BCP and rinsed by ultrapure water. After all the above steps were accomplished, grain size of FG1 samples decrease to ASTM 3.5-4.5. And grain size of FG2 samples decrease to ASTM 3.0-3.5. By annealing at ___________________________________________ *Work supported by National Key Programme for S&T Research and Development (Grant No. 2016YFA0400400) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11575012) #E-mail: jkhao@pku.edu.cn 18th International Conference on RF Superconductivity SRF2017, Lanzhou, China JACoW Publishing ISBN: 978-3-95450-191-5 doi:10.18429/JACoW-SRF2017-THPB028
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