Observation of an isotropic superconducting gap at the Brillouin zone centre of Tl 0 . 63 K 0 . 37 Fe

X.-P. Wang,P. Richard,X. Shi,A. Roekeghem,Y.-B. Huang,E. Razzoli,E. Rienks,S. Thirupathaiah,H.-D. Wang,C.-H. Dong,M.-H. Fang,M. Shi,H. Ding
Abstract:We performed a high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study on superconducting (SC) Tl0.63K0.37Fe1.78Se2 (Tc = 29K) in the whole Brillouin zone (BZ). In addition to a nearly isotropic ∼ 8.2meV 2-dimensional (2D) SC gap (2∆/kBTc ∼ 7) on quasi2D electron Fermi surfaces (FSs) located around M(π, 0, 0)-A(π, 0,π), we observe a ∼ 6.2meV isotropic SC gap (2∆/kBTc ∼ 5) on the Z-centred electron FS that rules out any d-wave pairing symmetry and rather favors an s-wave symmetry. All isotropic SC gap amplitudes can be fit by a single-gap function derived from a local strong-coupling approach suggesting an enhancement of the next-nearest neighbor exchange interaction in the ferrochalcogenide superconductors. Copyright c © EPLA, 2012 One of the most important and intensively debated issues in Fe-based superconductivity is whether the superconducting (SC) pairing is caused by itinerant magnetic fluctuations enhanced by Fermi surface (FS) quasi-nesting or by local magnetic superexchange interactions [1]. For most Fe-based superconductors, which have quasi-nested hole and electron FSs separated by the antiferromagnetic (AF) vector, both the weak-coupling itinerant and the strong-coupling local approaches predict a similar sign-reversed s-wave pairing symmetry. However, for the newly discovered ferrochalcogenide superconductor AxFe2Se2 (A=K, Rb, Cs, Tl) [2,3], which does not have hole FS pocket at the Brillouin zone (BZ) centre as observed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) [4–7], most calculations [8–13] based on the weak-coupling approach predict a sign reversal in the gap between the electron FS sheets located at M(π, 0) and M̃(0,π) (here defined in the 1Fe/unit cell notation) naturally described by a d-wave symmetry. On the other (a)E-mail: p.richard@iphy.ac.cn (b)E-mail: dingh@iphy.ac.cn hand, the strong-coupling approach still favors a s-wave symmetry [14–16,16–19]. Although the observation by ARPES of an isotropic SC gap on the electron FSs at the zone boundary [4–6] supports the s-wave scenario, it cannot completely rule out a d-wave symmetry which in principle can be nodeless if the nodal lines do not intersect any FS. Luckily, there is a 3-dimensional (3D) electron FS pocket centred around Z(0, 0,π) as previously reported by ARPES [5,20], which can be used to distinguish d-wave from s-wave symmetry since the d-wave symmetry would create nodes along a pair of perpendicular directions on this FS pocket [11–13]. Therefore, the momentum (k)-dependence of the SC gap on this electron FS is crucial in determining the pairing symmetry and mechanism of this superconductor and possibly the entire family of Fe-based superconductors. In this letter, we report high-resolution ARPES measurements on SC Tl0.63K0.37Fe1.78Se2 (Tc = 29K) in the whole 3D BZ by tuning the incident photon energy. We observe a nearly isotropic and nearly kz-invariant ∼ 8.2meV SC gap on electron FS pockets located around M , in agreement with our previous report on the same
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