Correlatingm etal ionic characteristics w ith biosorption capacity of an yeast using QSAR model based on classifications ofm etal ions

CHEN Can,WANG Jianlong
Abstract:基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( No. 50325824 ); 清华大学基础研究基金项目 (No. JC2002054) Supported by the N at ion al N atural S cience Foundat ion of Ch ina ( No. 50278045 ) and the Bas ic Research Fund of T singhua Un iversity ( No. JC 2002054) 作者简介: 陈灿 ( 1973 ) ,女,博士; * 通讯作者 (责任作者 ) , E m ai:l w angj@l ts inghua. edu. cn Biography: CHEN C an( 1973 ) , fem ale, Ph. D. ; * Corresponding author, E m a i:l w angj@l ts inghua. edu. cn 陈灿,王建龙. 2008.利用 QSAR模型探讨分类条件下金属离子性质与酵母吸附容量之间的关系 [ J] .环境科学学报, 28 ( 1) : 7682 C hen C, W ang J L. 2008. Correlating m etal ion ic characteris ticsw ith b iosorpt ion cap acity of an yeast us ing QSAR m od elbased on class ifications ofm etal ion s[ J]. A cta Scient iae C ircum stan tiae, 28( 1) : 7682
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